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bug#12392: emacs-gtk misinterprets floating-point numbers under certain

From: Holger Arnold
Subject: bug#12392: emacs-gtk misinterprets floating-point numbers under certain locales on openSUSE 12.2
Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2012 21:44:15 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:15.0) Gecko/20120825 Thunderbird/15.0

Eli Zaretskii wrote:
How can Emacs do both?  How can it display "4.0" for the result of
'(* 2.0 2.0)', but "23,4%" in a message like "Your disk is 23.4% full."?

What do you mean by "how"?  Technically, philosophically, ...?

The former, of course.

How can GCC print localized error messages, but still not accept
'double x = 0,25 * 1,0;' in a C program?

In our case, we are talking about two instances of output.

Should I have said: "How can GCC print localized error messages containing (non-localized) C statements"? Are you seriously saying that you see a hard technical problem here?

I assume that most Emacs users can tell whether they are interacting with the
Lisp interpreter or the "other" user interface.  So, what's the problem?

We are not talking about users, we are talking about Emacs, which is a
computer program.  It needs to be able to differentiate between these
two instances of output, if you want it to use different decimal
separators in each case.

I assume that Emacs already has functions for printing and parsing Lisp statements. Simply make them locale-independent. If you have to print a localized string that contains a Lisp expression, insert the output of the Lisp printer into that string. No Super-Turing powers required.


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