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bug#14812: 24.3; build failure on FreeBSD 9.1

From: Glenn Morris
Subject: bug#14812: 24.3; build failure on FreeBSD 9.1
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 14:58:24 -0400
User-agent: Gnus (www.gnus.org), GNU Emacs (www.gnu.org/software/emacs/)

Ashish SHUKLA wrote:

>>> [1]  http://svnweb.freebsd.org/ports/head/editors/emacs-devel/files/
> Sorry about that, though couple of these patches are actually taken
> from Emacs bug reports, except for the two which patches which I
> posted before, and the one specific to ARM/SPARC architecture which
> are specific to FreeBSD, and very hackish in nature.

If there are any patches there that you think we need in Emacs trunk,
and don't yet have, could you point them out? (Ideally, with a separate
bug report for each.) The patches don't seem to have clear descriptions
of what they do.

The configure.ac patches removes the test for ALSA altogether - why?
And adds some stuff related to processes (?), see below.

You don't need any of the patch-doc-*-Makefile.in any more,
since --no-split is the default since 24.3.

I guess
patch-src_coding.c == http://debbugs.gnu.org/8522 ?
If you've tested it and it works, it would be helpful to add that
comment in that report.

The src/lisp.h, lib/verify.h ones are redundant now that this report is

The sources.el one is some packaging-specific thing?

The src/sysdep.c one is to do with list-system-processes, but Emacs 24
already has an implementation for FreeBSD, so I don't understand.
The src/process.c and part of the configure.ac patch are related to this?

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