(gdb) bt full #0 gif_load (f=0x1177030, img=0xdf3c60) at image.c:7430 file = rc = width = height = x = y = i = j = ximg = 0x7fffffffc280 gif_color_map = pixel_colors = {140737488339808, 5768957, 20475990, 12313490, 12313490, 12313490, 10953994, 140737488340064, 32143856, 12313490, 5558800, 1, 21181394, 9845448, 0, 12313490, 21181538, 12313490, 11410574, 8718329, 11410559, 140737488340064, 2, 8718285, 32143696, 32142672, 18446744073709551614, 8718280, 0, 140737488339936, 15826690, 140737488339920, 140737488339904, 5558187, 43116544, 5485683, 43116549, 8589919856, 38802656, 16574976, 140737488340176, 5484070, 15793090, 5484121, 140737488339920, 5777741, 21386146, 12313538, 15706354, 21181442, 12313490, 12313538, 72057594049341483, 10319029, 32143728, 32142672, 32142672, 8917720, 0, 5585901, 12313490, 5552790, 12450661, 20450342, 10968305, 9820497, 10968193, 140737488340512, 140737488340280, 12444754, 18446744073709551614, 5553174, 12455122, 9820440, 0, 12313490, 8797064, 12313490, 0, 5557327, 4294967296, 140737488340416, 72057594050490482, 100000000, 4294967292, 1, 4, 96, 4, 96, 1, 49, 0, 91, 0, 0, 511101108334, 0, 124, 3312, 51, 100000000, 4294967292, 1, 18841712, 0, 1, 140737241799076, 4294967292, 18841696, 16, 5451874, 2, 1, 140737488340720, 1, 2305843009213693951, 5455685, 1, 5456364, 140737488340768, 19121517, 140737488340720, 100000000, 4294967292, 1, 18841728, 0, 1, 140737241799076, 0, 18841712, 16, 5451874, 1, 1, 140737488340896, 1, 2305843009213693951, 5455685, 1, 5456364, 40604758, 19121517, 140737488340896, 5579773, 32142672, 32143344, 12313490, 0, 19100581, 504, 0, 5, 18841717, 12313344, 1, 1, 140737488340920, 12313490, 128, 5607473, 127, 19100576, 40604246, 15694642, 18841717, 30437410, 1, 5608685, 1, 3923662, 19100581, 508, 15694642, 5174652, 12338248, 0, 19121501, 40053878, 41450235, 12313490, 256, 1, 128, 12643573, 40572416, 4815062, 4, 96, 4, 96, 1, 49, 0, 91, 0, 0, 511101108334, 0...} gif = 0x283d840 memsrc = {bytes = 0x2
, len = 8718368, index = 32} specified_bg = 12313490 specified_file = specified_data = bgcolor = 0 idx = 0 #1 0x00000000005bb535 in lookup_image (f=f@entry=0x1177030, spec=spec@entry=20449974) at image.c:1691 img = hash = #2 0x00000000005bb97e in Fimage_metadata (spec=20449974, frame=12313490) at image.c:942 f = 0x1177030 id = img = ext = frame = 12313490 spec = 20449974 ext = #3 0x000000000054d178 in Ffuncall (nargs=, args=) at eval.c:2792 fun = 11454741 original_fun = 12586242 numargs = val = internal_args = 0x7fffffffcb30 i = #4 0x00000000005806fd in exec_byte_code (bytestr=42195008, vector=12584594, maxdepth=42596704, args_template=2, nargs=47, args=0x2) at bytecode.c:919 targets = {0x580794 , 0x580f5f , 0x580f64 , 0x580f69 , 0x580592 , 0x580598 , 0x581763 , 0x5817a0 , ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- 0x581822 , 0x581827 , 0x5817f1 , 0x5817f6 , 0x5805c9 , 0x5805d0 , 0x580c38 , 0x5817fb , 0x580da3 , 0x580da8 , 0x580e25 , 0x580e2a , 0x580635 , 0x580638 , 0x580dd4 , 0x580dad , 0x580e56 , 0x580e5b , 0x580e60 , 0x580e65 , 0x5806a1 , 0x5806a8 , 0x580e10 , 0x580e2f , 0x580eb1 , 0x580eb6 , 0x580ebb , 0x580ec5 , 0x5806e0 , 0x5806e0 , 0x580e75 , 0x580e8a , 0x580815 , 0x58081a , 0x58081f , 0x580eea , 0x58071d , 0x580720 , 0x580ed5 , 0x5807ee , 0x581668 , 0x58165d , 0x581527 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x581984 , 0x581a14 , 0x581a4b , 0x581a82 , 0x581ab9 , 0x580cfa , 0x580d34 , 0x581afa , 0x580cbf , 0x580d68 , 0x581b2c , 0x581b60 , 0x581b88 , 0x581bbc , 0x581bf1 , 0x581c68 , 0x581c90 , 0x581cc4 , 0x581cfc , 0x581d24 , 0x581d4c , 0x581d80 , 0x581db4 , 0x581de8 , 0x581e20 , 0x581e55 , 0x581e8a , 0x581f01 , 0x581f3a , 0x581f73 , 0x58208c , 0x58201a , 0x582053 , 0x5820c5 , 0x5820fe , 0x582133 , 0x582165 , 0x58219a , 0x5821cf , 0x582204 , 0x5822a2 , 0x580765 , 0x5822d8 , 0x582300 , 0x58236f , 0x5823a5 , 0x5823db , 0x582403 , 0x58242d , 0x582457 , 0x582484 , 0x580794 , 0x5824b3 , 0x5824e0 , 0x58250d , 0x58253a , 0x582567 , 0x582594 , 0x580765 , 0x580794 , 0x5825bc , 0x5825fb , 0x582623 , 0x58264b , 0x58267f , 0x5826b3 , 0x581112 , 0x5811e8 , 0x5828c4 , 0x5828f8 , 0x58121c , 0x581249 , 0x580794 , 0x581476 , 0x580825 , 0x580c4d , 0x580a91 , 0x580933 , 0x580b94 , 0x581416 , 0x581455 , 0x580de9 , 0x58135b , 0x5812fd , 0x5814bf , 0x5814ee , 0x581697 , 0x5816e3 , 0x58171b , 0x58192e , 0x5812d1 , 0x581271 , 0x5812a9 , 0x5826db , 0x582703 , 0x58272b , ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- 0x582753 , 0x582787 , 0x5827bb , 0x5827ef , 0x582823 , 0x580f75 , 0x580fa9 , 0x580fdd , 0x581005 , 0x581039 , 0x58106d , 0x5810a5 , 0x5810dd , 0x582239 , 0x58226e , 0x580eef , 0x580f2d , 0x580794 , 0x5808b9 , 0x580b39 , 0x5809a3 , 0x580a2e , 0x58138a , 0x581c26 , 0x581ebf , 0x58232d , 0x58182c , 0x581869 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x5818ba , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x581902 } count = 22 count_volatile = 34 vectorp = 0x9b8a80 vectorp_volatile = 0x1b88390 stack = { pc = 0xa4bb72 "\031\307\t\310\"\032\307\t\303\"\033\n\205.", byte_string = 10193497, byte_string_start = 0xa4bb69 "\305\306!\205/", next = 0x7fffffffce40} stack_volatile = { pc = 0x1cb3d30 "Type \\[image-toggle-display] to view the image as ", byte_string = 5498131, byte_string_start = 0x1
, next = 0x7ffff14dccc0 } result = 42195008 type = (CONDITION_CASE | unknown: 46) #5 0x000000000054cc4f in funcall_lambda (fun=10193437, nargs=nargs@entry=1, arg_vector=arg_vector@entry=0x7fffffffcd98) at eval.c:3023 val = syms_left = 12313490 lexenv = 12313490 i = optional = rest = #6 0x000000000054cfab in Ffuncall (nargs=2, args=0x7fffffffcd90) at eval.c:2850 fun = original_fun = 21141362 numargs = 1 val = internal_args = i = #7 0x00000000005806fd in exec_byte_code (bytestr=42195008, vector=12584594, maxdepth=42596704, args_template=2, nargs=140737488342408, args=0x2) at bytecode.c:919 targets = {0x580794 , 0x580f5f , 0x580f64 , 0x580f69 , 0x580592 , 0x580598 , 0x581763 , 0x5817a0 , 0x581822 , 0x581827 , 0x5817f1 , 0x5817f6 , 0x5805c9 , 0x5805d0 , 0x580c38 , 0x5817fb , 0x580da3 , 0x580da8 , 0x580e25 , 0x580e2a , 0x580635 , 0x580638 , 0x580dd4 , 0x580dad , 0x580e56 , 0x580e5b , 0x580e60 , 0x580e65 , 0x5806a1 , 0x5806a8 , 0x580e10 , 0x580e2f , 0x580eb1 , 0x580eb6 , ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- 0x580ebb , 0x580ec5 , 0x5806e0 , 0x5806e0 , 0x580e75 , 0x580e8a , 0x580815 , 0x58081a , 0x58081f , 0x580eea , 0x58071d , 0x580720 , 0x580ed5 , 0x5807ee , 0x581668 , 0x58165d , 0x581527 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x581984 , 0x581a14 , 0x581a4b , 0x581a82 , 0x581ab9 , 0x580cfa , 0x580d34 , 0x581afa , 0x580cbf , 0x580d68 , 0x581b2c , 0x581b60 , 0x581b88 , 0x581bbc , 0x581bf1 , 0x581c68 , 0x581c90 , 0x581cc4 , 0x581cfc , 0x581d24 , 0x581d4c , 0x581d80 , 0x581db4 , 0x581de8 , 0x581e20 , 0x581e55 , 0x581e8a , 0x581f01 , 0x581f3a , 0x581f73 , 0x58208c , 0x58201a , 0x582053 , 0x5820c5 , 0x5820fe , 0x582133 , 0x582165 , 0x58219a , 0x5821cf , 0x582204 , 0x5822a2 , 0x580765 , 0x5822d8 , 0x582300 , 0x58236f , 0x5823a5 , 0x5823db , 0x582403 , 0x58242d , 0x582457 , 0x582484 , 0x580794 , 0x5824b3 , 0x5824e0 , 0x58250d , 0x58253a , 0x582567 , 0x582594 , 0x580765 , 0x580794 , 0x5825bc , 0x5825fb , 0x582623 , 0x58264b , 0x58267f , 0x5826b3 , 0x581112 , 0x5811e8 , 0x5828c4 , 0x5828f8 , 0x58121c , 0x581249 , 0x580794 , 0x581476 , 0x580825 , 0x580c4d , 0x580a91 , 0x580933 , 0x580b94 , 0x581416 , 0x581455 , 0x580de9 , 0x58135b , 0x5812fd , 0x5814bf , 0x5814ee , 0x581697 , 0x5816e3 , 0x58171b , 0x58192e , 0x5812d1 , 0x581271 , 0x5812a9 , 0x5826db , 0x582703 , 0x58272b , 0x582753 , 0x582787 , 0x5827bb , 0x5827ef , 0x582823 , 0x580f75 , 0x580fa9 , 0x580fdd , 0x581005 , 0x581039 , 0x58106d , 0x5810a5 , 0x5810dd , 0x582239 , 0x58226e , 0x580eef , 0x580f2d , 0x580794 , 0x5808b9 , 0x580b39 , 0x5809a3 , 0x580a2e , 0x58138a , 0x581c26 , 0x581ebf , 0x58232d , ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- 0x58182c , 0x581869 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x5818ba , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x581902 } count = 20 count_volatile = 0 vectorp = 0x1c879c8 vectorp_volatile = 0x2a3a19d stack = {pc = 0x1cb3bd8 "\211\262\002\203\233", byte_string = 28851377, byte_string_start = 0x1cb3b68 "\306 \204\t", next = 0x7fffffffd130} stack_volatile = {pc = 0x410
, byte_string = 30656565, byte_string_start = 0x1ea77d0 "\004", next = 0x1ea7550} result = 42195008 type = (unknown: 4294954376) #8 0x000000000054cce7 in funcall_lambda (fun=30656565, nargs=nargs@entry=0, arg_vector=0x7fffffffd130, arg_vector@entry=0x7fffffffcf38) at eval.c:2957 val = syms_left = lexenv = i = optional = rest = #9 0x000000000054cfab in Ffuncall (nargs=1, args=0x7fffffffcf30) at eval.c:2850 fun = original_fun = 30656565 numargs = 0 val = internal_args = i = #10 0x000000000054c880 in eval_sub (form=form@entry=20452710) at eval.c:2131 vals = 0x7fffffffcf30 argnum = sa_must_free = false numargs = args_left = 12313490 i = maxargs = argvals = {25, 0, 37383784, 0, 0, 44281373, 44281344, 0} fun = 11434765 val = original_args = 20452758 gcpro3 = {next = , var = 0x7fffffffcf30, nvars = } #11 0x000000000054f789 in internal_lisp_condition_case (var=, bodyform=20452710, handlers=) at eval.c:1300 val = c = oldhandlerlist = 0x1535c00 clausenb = #12 0x00000000005816f7 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=42195008, vector=12584594, maxdepth=42596704, args_template=2, nargs=140737488343192, args=0x8f) at bytecode.c:1169 targets = {0x580794 , 0x580f5f , 0x580f64 , 0x580f69 , 0x580592 , 0x580598 , 0x581763 , 0x5817a0 , 0x581822 , 0x581827 , 0x5817f1 , 0x5817f6 , 0x5805c9 , 0x5805d0 , 0x580c38 , 0x5817fb , 0x580da3 , 0x580da8 , 0x580e25 , 0x580e2a , 0x580635 , 0x580638 , 0x580dd4 , 0x580dad , 0x580e56 , 0x580e5b , 0x580e60 , 0x580e65 , 0x5806a1 , 0x5806a8 , ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- 0x580e10 , 0x580e2f , 0x580eb1 , 0x580eb6 , 0x580ebb , 0x580ec5 , 0x5806e0 , 0x5806e0 , 0x580e75 , 0x580e8a , 0x580815 , 0x58081a , 0x58081f , 0x580eea , 0x58071d , 0x580720 , 0x580ed5 , 0x5807ee , 0x581668 , 0x58165d , 0x581527 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x581984 , 0x581a14 , 0x581a4b , 0x581a82 , 0x581ab9 , 0x580cfa , 0x580d34 , 0x581afa , 0x580cbf , 0x580d68 , 0x581b2c , 0x581b60 , 0x581b88 , 0x581bbc , 0x581bf1 , 0x581c68 , 0x581c90 , 0x581cc4 , 0x581cfc , 0x581d24 , 0x581d4c , 0x581d80 , 0x581db4 , 0x581de8 , 0x581e20 , 0x581e55 , 0x581e8a , 0x581f01 , 0x581f3a , 0x581f73 , 0x58208c , 0x58201a , 0x582053 , 0x5820c5 , 0x5820fe , 0x582133 , 0x582165 , 0x58219a , 0x5821cf , 0x582204 , 0x5822a2 , 0x580765 , 0x5822d8 , 0x582300 , 0x58236f , 0x5823a5 , 0x5823db , 0x582403 , 0x58242d , 0x582457 , 0x582484 , 0x580794 , 0x5824b3 , 0x5824e0 , 0x58250d , 0x58253a , 0x582567 , 0x582594 , 0x580765 , 0x580794 , 0x5825bc , 0x5825fb , 0x582623 , 0x58264b , 0x58267f , 0x5826b3 , 0x581112 , 0x5811e8 , 0x5828c4 , 0x5828f8 , 0x58121c , 0x581249 , 0x580794 , 0x581476 , 0x580825 , 0x580c4d , 0x580a91 , 0x580933 , 0x580b94 , 0x581416 , 0x581455 , 0x580de9 , 0x58135b , 0x5812fd , 0x5814bf , 0x5814ee , 0x581697 , 0x5816e3 , 0x58171b , 0x58192e , 0x5812d1 , 0x581271 , 0x5812a9 , 0x5826db , 0x582703 , 0x58272b , 0x582753 , 0x582787 , 0x5827bb , 0x5827ef , 0x582823 , 0x580f75 , 0x580fa9 , 0x580fdd , 0x581005 , 0x581039 , 0x58106d , 0x5810a5 , 0x5810dd , 0x582239 , 0x58226e , 0x580eef , 0x580f2d , 0x580794 , 0x5808b9 , 0x580b39 , 0x5809a3 , 0x580a2e , ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- 0x58138a , 0x581c26 , 0x581ebf , 0x58232d , 0x58182c , 0x581869 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x5818ba , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x581902 } count = 18 count_volatile = 140737488343504 vectorp = 0x1c87b70 vectorp_volatile = 0x3 stack = {pc = 0x1cb3b4c "\207", byte_string = 28851729, byte_string_start = 0x1cb3b40 "\300\301\302D\303\301\304\300EDC\217\207", next = 0x7fffffffd2a0} stack_volatile = {pc = 0x2a3a180 "/home/emartenson/image001.gif", byte_string = 29916061, byte_string_start = 0x1ea7790 "\004", next = 0x1ea7550} result = 42195008 type = (unknown: 4294955160) #13 0x000000000054cce7 in funcall_lambda (fun=29916061, nargs=nargs@entry=0, arg_vector=0x7fffffffd2a0, arg_vector@entry=0x7fffffffd230) at eval.c:2957 val = syms_left = lexenv = i = optional = rest = #14 0x000000000054cfab in Ffuncall (nargs=1, args=0x7fffffffd228) at eval.c:2850 fun = original_fun = 16580722 numargs = 0 val = internal_args = i = #15 0x00000000005806fd in exec_byte_code (bytestr=42195008, vector=12584594, maxdepth=42596704, args_template=2, nargs=23, args=0x1) at bytecode.c:919 targets = {0x580794 , 0x580f5f , 0x580f64 , 0x580f69 , 0x580592 , 0x580598 , 0x581763 , 0x5817a0 , 0x581822 , 0x581827 , 0x5817f1 , 0x5817f6 , 0x5805c9 , 0x5805d0 , 0x580c38 , 0x5817fb , 0x580da3 , 0x580da8 , 0x580e25 , 0x580e2a , 0x580635 , 0x580638 , 0x580dd4 , 0x580dad , 0x580e56 , 0x580e5b , 0x580e60 , 0x580e65 , 0x5806a1 , 0x5806a8 , 0x580e10 , 0x580e2f , 0x580eb1 , 0x580eb6 , 0x580ebb , 0x580ec5 , 0x5806e0 , 0x5806e0 , 0x580e75 , 0x580e8a , 0x580815 , 0x58081a , 0x58081f , 0x580eea , 0x58071d , 0x580720 , 0x580ed5 , 0x5807ee , 0x581668 , 0x58165d , 0x581527 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x581984 , 0x581a14 , 0x581a4b , 0x581a82 , 0x581ab9 , 0x580cfa , 0x580d34 , 0x581afa , 0x580cbf , 0x580d68 , ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- 0x581b2c , 0x581b60 , 0x581b88 , 0x581bbc , 0x581bf1 , 0x581c68 , 0x581c90 , 0x581cc4 , 0x581cfc , 0x581d24 , 0x581d4c , 0x581d80 , 0x581db4 , 0x581de8 , 0x581e20 , 0x581e55 , 0x581e8a , 0x581f01 , 0x581f3a , 0x581f73 , 0x58208c , 0x58201a , 0x582053 , 0x5820c5 , 0x5820fe , 0x582133 , 0x582165 , 0x58219a , 0x5821cf , 0x582204 , 0x5822a2 , 0x580765 , 0x5822d8 , 0x582300 , 0x58236f , 0x5823a5 , 0x5823db , 0x582403 , 0x58242d , 0x582457 , 0x582484 , 0x580794 , 0x5824b3 , 0x5824e0 , 0x58250d , 0x58253a , 0x582567 , 0x582594 , 0x580765 , 0x580794 , 0x5825bc , 0x5825fb , 0x582623 , 0x58264b , 0x58267f , 0x5826b3 , 0x581112 , 0x5811e8 , 0x5828c4 , 0x5828f8 , 0x58121c , 0x581249 , 0x580794 , 0x581476 , 0x580825 , 0x580c4d , 0x580a91 , 0x580933 , 0x580b94 , 0x581416 , 0x581455 , 0x580de9 , 0x58135b , 0x5812fd , 0x5814bf , 0x5814ee , 0x581697 , 0x5816e3 , 0x58171b , 0x58192e , 0x5812d1 , 0x581271 , 0x5812a9 , 0x5826db , 0x582703 , 0x58272b , 0x582753 , 0x582787 , 0x5827bb , 0x5827ef , 0x582823 , 0x580f75 , 0x580fa9 , 0x580fdd , 0x581005 , 0x581039 , 0x58106d , 0x5810a5 , 0x5810dd , 0x582239 , 0x58226e , 0x580eef , 0x580f2d , 0x580794 , 0x5808b9 , 0x580b39 , 0x5809a3 , 0x580a2e , 0x58138a , 0x581c26 , 0x581ebf , 0x58232d , 0x58182c , 0x581869 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x5818ba , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x581902 } count = 17 count_volatile = 0 vectorp = 0x894218 vectorp_volatile = 0x1 stack = {pc = 0xac13be "\210\001\207", byte_string = 8995313, byte_string_start = 0xac13a9 "\211\205\v", next = 0x7fffffffd470} ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- stack_volatile = {pc = 0x2787b9b "\tpa/m", byte_string = 8995269, byte_string_start = 0x1ea7770 "\004", next = 0x1ea7550} result = 42195008 type = (CONDITION_CASE | unknown: 22) #16 0x000000000054cce7 in funcall_lambda (fun=8995269, nargs=nargs@entry=2, arg_vector=0x7fffffffd470, arg_vector@entry=0x7fffffffd3d0) at eval.c:2957 val = syms_left = lexenv = i = optional = rest = #17 0x000000000054cfab in Ffuncall (nargs=3, args=0x7fffffffd3c8) at eval.c:2850 fun = original_fun = 16536098 numargs = 2 val = internal_args = i = #18 0x00000000005806fd in exec_byte_code (bytestr=42195008, vector=12584594, maxdepth=42596704, args_template=2, nargs=140737488344000, args=0x3) at bytecode.c:919 targets = {0x580794 , 0x580f5f , 0x580f64 , 0x580f69 , 0x580592 , 0x580598 , 0x581763 , 0x5817a0 , 0x581822 , 0x581827 , 0x5817f1 , 0x5817f6 , 0x5805c9 , 0x5805d0 , 0x580c38 , 0x5817fb , 0x580da3 , 0x580da8 , 0x580e25 , 0x580e2a , 0x580635 , 0x580638 , 0x580dd4 , 0x580dad , 0x580e56 , 0x580e5b , 0x580e60 , 0x580e65 , 0x5806a1 , 0x5806a8 , 0x580e10 , 0x580e2f , 0x580eb1 , 0x580eb6 , 0x580ebb , 0x580ec5 , 0x5806e0 , 0x5806e0 , 0x580e75 , 0x580e8a , 0x580815 , 0x58081a , 0x58081f , 0x580eea , 0x58071d , 0x580720 , 0x580ed5 , 0x5807ee , 0x581668 , 0x58165d , 0x581527 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x581984 , 0x581a14 , 0x581a4b , 0x581a82 , 0x581ab9 , 0x580cfa , 0x580d34 , 0x581afa , 0x580cbf , 0x580d68 , 0x581b2c , 0x581b60 , 0x581b88 , 0x581bbc , 0x581bf1 , 0x581c68 , 0x581c90 , 0x581cc4 , 0x581cfc , 0x581d24 , 0x581d4c , 0x581d80 , 0x581db4 , 0x581de8 , 0x581e20 , 0x581e55 , 0x581e8a , 0x581f01 , 0x581f3a , 0x581f73 , 0x58208c , 0x58201a , 0x582053 , 0x5820c5 , 0x5820fe , 0x582133 , 0x582165 , 0x58219a , 0x5821cf , 0x582204 , 0x5822a2 , 0x580765 , 0x5822d8 , 0x582300 , ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- 0x58236f , 0x5823a5 , 0x5823db , 0x582403 , 0x58242d , 0x582457 , 0x582484 , 0x580794 , 0x5824b3 , 0x5824e0 , 0x58250d , 0x58253a , 0x582567 , 0x582594 , 0x580765 , 0x580794 , 0x5825bc , 0x5825fb , 0x582623 , 0x58264b , 0x58267f , 0x5826b3 , 0x581112 , 0x5811e8 , 0x5828c4 , 0x5828f8 , 0x58121c , 0x581249 , 0x580794 , 0x581476 , 0x580825 , 0x580c4d , 0x580a91 , 0x580933 , 0x580b94 , 0x581416 , 0x581455 , 0x580de9 , 0x58135b , 0x5812fd , 0x5814bf , 0x5814ee , 0x581697 , 0x5816e3 , 0x58171b , 0x58192e , 0x5812d1 , 0x581271 , 0x5812a9 , 0x5826db , 0x582703 , 0x58272b , 0x582753 , 0x582787 , 0x5827bb , 0x5827ef , 0x582823 , 0x580f75 , 0x580fa9 , 0x580fdd , 0x581005 , 0x581039 , 0x58106d , 0x5810a5 , 0x5810dd , 0x582239 , 0x58226e , 0x580eef , 0x580f2d , 0x580794 , 0x5808b9 , 0x580b39 , 0x5809a3 , 0x580a2e , 0x58138a , 0x581c26 , 0x581ebf , 0x58232d , 0x58182c , 0x581869 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x5818ba , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x581902 } count = 16 count_volatile = 12313490 vectorp = 0x893d68 vectorp_volatile = 0x54baed stack = { pc = 0xac160a "\210\004̠\210\202Q\001\266\002\002\242\204\337\001\002\212eb\210\214ede\r\\^}\210\347\307\016\071\362#*\240\203\337\001\344\003\242\006\a\"\210\002\242?\205\350\001\363p!\207", byte_string = 8994113, byte_string_start = 0xac145a "\306 ?ljCljC\212eb\210\310\307w\210\b\203~", next = 0x7fffffffd5c0} stack_volatile = {pc = 0x1
, byte_string = 8994069, byte_string_start = 0x1ea7750 "\004", next = 0x1ea7550} result = 42195008 type = (unknown: 4294955968) #19 0x000000000054cce7 in funcall_lambda (fun=8994069, nargs=nargs@entry=0, arg_vector=0x7fffffffd5c0, arg_vector@entry=0x7fffffffd560) at eval.c:2957 val = syms_left = lexenv = i = optional = rest = #20 0x000000000054cfab in Ffuncall (nargs=1, args=0x7fffffffd558) at eval.c:2850 fun = ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- original_fun = 16461522 numargs = 0 val = internal_args = i = #21 0x00000000005806fd in exec_byte_code (bytestr=42195008, vector=12584594, maxdepth=42596704, args_template=2, nargs=0, args=0x1) at bytecode.c:919 targets = {0x580794 , 0x580f5f , 0x580f64 , 0x580f69 , 0x580592 , 0x580598 , 0x581763 , 0x5817a0 , 0x581822 , 0x581827 , 0x5817f1 , 0x5817f6 , 0x5805c9 , 0x5805d0 , 0x580c38 , 0x5817fb , 0x580da3 , 0x580da8 , 0x580e25 , 0x580e2a , 0x580635 , 0x580638 , 0x580dd4 , 0x580dad , 0x580e56 , 0x580e5b , 0x580e60 , 0x580e65 , 0x5806a1 , 0x5806a8 , 0x580e10 , 0x580e2f , 0x580eb1 , 0x580eb6 , 0x580ebb , 0x580ec5 , 0x5806e0 , 0x5806e0 , 0x580e75 , 0x580e8a , 0x580815 , 0x58081a , 0x58081f , 0x580eea , 0x58071d , 0x580720 , 0x580ed5 , 0x5807ee , 0x581668 , 0x58165d , 0x581527 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x581984 , 0x581a14 , 0x581a4b , 0x581a82 , 0x581ab9 , 0x580cfa , 0x580d34 , 0x581afa , 0x580cbf , 0x580d68 , 0x581b2c , 0x581b60 , 0x581b88 , 0x581bbc , 0x581bf1 , 0x581c68 , 0x581c90 , 0x581cc4 , 0x581cfc , 0x581d24 , 0x581d4c , 0x581d80 , 0x581db4 , 0x581de8 , 0x581e20 , 0x581e55 , 0x581e8a , 0x581f01 , 0x581f3a , 0x581f73 , 0x58208c , 0x58201a , 0x582053 , 0x5820c5 , 0x5820fe , 0x582133 , 0x582165 , 0x58219a , 0x5821cf , 0x582204 , 0x5822a2 , 0x580765 , 0x5822d8 , 0x582300 , 0x58236f , 0x5823a5 , 0x5823db , 0x582403 , 0x58242d , 0x582457 , 0x582484 , 0x580794 , 0x5824b3 , 0x5824e0 , 0x58250d , 0x58253a , 0x582567 , 0x582594 , 0x580765 , 0x580794 , 0x5825bc , 0x5825fb , 0x582623 , 0x58264b , 0x58267f , 0x5826b3 , 0x581112 , 0x5811e8 , 0x5828c4 , 0x5828f8 , 0x58121c , 0x581249 , 0x580794 , 0x581476 , ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- 0x580825 , 0x580c4d , 0x580a91 , 0x580933 , 0x580b94 , 0x581416 , 0x581455 , 0x580de9 , 0x58135b , 0x5812fd , 0x5814bf , 0x5814ee , 0x581697 , 0x5816e3 , 0x58171b , 0x58192e , 0x5812d1 , 0x581271 , 0x5812a9 , 0x5826db , 0x582703 , 0x58272b , 0x582753 , 0x582787 , 0x5827bb , 0x5827ef , 0x582823 , 0x580f75 , 0x580fa9 , 0x580fdd , 0x581005 , 0x581039 , 0x58106d , 0x5810a5 , 0x5810dd , 0x582239 , 0x58226e , 0x580eef , 0x580f2d , 0x580794 , 0x5808b9 , 0x580b39 , 0x5809a3 , 0x580a2e , 0x58138a , 0x581c26 , 0x581ebf , 0x58232d , 0x58182c , 0x581869 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x5818ba , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x581902 } count = 15 count_volatile = 140737488344608 vectorp = 0x891590 vectorp_volatile = 0x54d219 stack = {pc = 0xae3fe7 "\207", byte_string = 8694849, byte_string_start = 0xae3fe5 "\300 \207", next = 0x7fffffffd8b0} stack_volatile = {pc = 0xae2cf1 "", byte_string = 8983901, byte_string_start = 0x1ea7730 "\004", next = 0x1ea7550} result = 42195008 type = CATCHER #22 0x000000000054cce7 in funcall_lambda (fun=8983901, nargs=nargs@entry=0, arg_vector=0x7fffffffd8b0, arg_vector@entry=0x7fffffffd6b8) at eval.c:2957 val = syms_left = lexenv = i = optional = rest = #23 0x000000000054cfab in Ffuncall (nargs=1, args=0x7fffffffd6b0) at eval.c:2850 fun = original_fun = 8983901 numargs = 0 val = internal_args = i = #24 0x000000000054c880 in eval_sub (form=form@entry=20453062) at eval.c:2131 vals = 0x7fffffffd6b0 argnum = sa_must_free = false numargs = args_left = 12313490 i = maxargs = argvals = {0, 44278144, 2, 12345256, 0, 29, 11271614, 9005913} fun = 11434765 val = original_args = 20453078 gcpro3 = {next = , var = 0x7fffffffd6b0, nvars = } ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- #25 0x000000000054f789 in internal_lisp_condition_case (var=, bodyform=20453062, handlers=) at eval.c:1300 val = c = oldhandlerlist = 0x27c2810 clausenb = #26 0x00000000005816f7 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=42195008, vector=12584594, maxdepth=42596704, args_template=2, nargs=140737488345120, args=0x8f) at bytecode.c:1169 targets = {0x580794 , 0x580f5f , 0x580f64 , 0x580f69 , 0x580592 , 0x580598 , 0x581763 , 0x5817a0 , 0x581822 , 0x581827 , 0x5817f1 , 0x5817f6 , 0x5805c9 , 0x5805d0 , 0x580c38 , 0x5817fb , 0x580da3 , 0x580da8 , 0x580e25 , 0x580e2a , 0x580635 , 0x580638 , 0x580dd4 , 0x580dad , 0x580e56 , 0x580e5b , 0x580e60 , 0x580e65 , 0x5806a1 , 0x5806a8 , 0x580e10 , 0x580e2f , 0x580eb1 , 0x580eb6 , 0x580ebb , 0x580ec5 , 0x5806e0 , 0x5806e0 , 0x580e75 , 0x580e8a , 0x580815 , 0x58081a , 0x58081f , 0x580eea , 0x58071d , 0x580720 , 0x580ed5 , 0x5807ee , 0x581668 , 0x58165d , 0x581527 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x581984 , 0x581a14 , 0x581a4b , 0x581a82 , 0x581ab9 , 0x580cfa , 0x580d34 , 0x581afa , 0x580cbf , 0x580d68 , 0x581b2c , 0x581b60 , 0x581b88 , 0x581bbc , 0x581bf1 , 0x581c68 , 0x581c90 , 0x581cc4 , 0x581cfc , 0x581d24 , 0x581d4c , 0x581d80 , 0x581db4 , 0x581de8 , 0x581e20 , 0x581e55 , 0x581e8a , 0x581f01 , 0x581f3a , 0x581f73 , 0x58208c , 0x58201a , 0x582053 , 0x5820c5 , 0x5820fe , 0x582133 , 0x582165 , 0x58219a , 0x5821cf , 0x582204 , 0x5822a2 , 0x580765 , 0x5822d8 , 0x582300 , 0x58236f , 0x5823a5 , 0x5823db , 0x582403 , 0x58242d , 0x582457 , 0x582484 , 0x580794 , 0x5824b3 , 0x5824e0 , 0x58250d , 0x58253a , 0x582567 , 0x582594 , 0x580765 , 0x580794 , 0x5825bc , 0x5825fb , 0x582623 , 0x58264b , 0x58267f , 0x5826b3 , 0x581112 , 0x5811e8 , 0x5828c4 , 0x5828f8 , ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- 0x58121c , 0x581249 , 0x580794 , 0x581476 , 0x580825 , 0x580c4d , 0x580a91 , 0x580933 , 0x580b94 , 0x581416 , 0x581455 , 0x580de9 , 0x58135b , 0x5812fd , 0x5814bf , 0x5814ee , 0x581697 , 0x5816e3 , 0x58171b , 0x58192e , 0x5812d1 , 0x581271 , 0x5812a9 , 0x5826db , 0x582703 , 0x58272b , 0x582753 , 0x582787 , 0x5827bb , 0x5827ef , 0x582823 , 0x580f75 , 0x580fa9 , 0x580fdd , 0x581005 , 0x581039 , 0x58106d , 0x5810a5 , 0x5810dd , 0x582239 , 0x58226e , 0x580eef , 0x580f2d , 0x580794 , 0x5808b9 , 0x580b39 , 0x5809a3 , 0x580a2e , 0x58138a , 0x581c26 , 0x581ebf , 0x58232d , 0x58182c , 0x581869 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x5818ba , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x581902 } count = 12 count_volatile = 1 vectorp = 0x8914c8 vectorp_volatile = 0x236c000081a4 stack = {pc = 0xac2b23 "\210\t\203+", byte_string = 8983713, byte_string_start = 0xac2b03 "\304 \210\211?\206\t", next = 0x7fffffffda50} stack_volatile = {pc = 0x10
, byte_string = 8983661, byte_string_start = 0x1ea76d0 "\005", next = 0x1ea7550} result = 42195008 type = (unknown: 4294957088) #27 0x000000000054cce7 in funcall_lambda (fun=8983661, nargs=nargs@entry=1, arg_vector=0x7fffffffda50, arg_vector@entry=0x7fffffffd9c8) at eval.c:2957 val = syms_left = lexenv = i = optional = rest = #28 0x000000000054cfab in Ffuncall (nargs=2, args=0x7fffffffd9c0) at eval.c:2850 fun = original_fun = 16461234 numargs = 1 val = internal_args = i = #29 0x00000000005806fd in exec_byte_code (bytestr=42195008, vector=12584594, maxdepth=42596704, args_template=2, nargs=140737488345528, args=0x2) at bytecode.c:919 targets = {0x580794 , 0x580f5f , 0x580f64 , 0x580f69 , 0x580592 , 0x580598 , 0x581763 , 0x5817a0 , 0x581822 , 0x581827 , 0x5817f1 , 0x5817f6 , 0x5805c9 , 0x5805d0 , 0x580c38 , 0x5817fb , ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- 0x580da3 , 0x580da8 , 0x580e25 , 0x580e2a , 0x580635 , 0x580638 , 0x580dd4 , 0x580dad , 0x580e56 , 0x580e5b , 0x580e60 , 0x580e65 , 0x5806a1 , 0x5806a8 , 0x580e10 , 0x580e2f , 0x580eb1 , 0x580eb6 , 0x580ebb , 0x580ec5 , 0x5806e0 , 0x5806e0 , 0x580e75 , 0x580e8a , 0x580815 , 0x58081a , 0x58081f , 0x580eea , 0x58071d , 0x580720 , 0x580ed5 , 0x5807ee , 0x581668 , 0x58165d , 0x581527 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x581984 , 0x581a14 , 0x581a4b , 0x581a82 , 0x581ab9 , 0x580cfa , 0x580d34 , 0x581afa , 0x580cbf , 0x580d68 , 0x581b2c , 0x581b60 , 0x581b88 , 0x581bbc , 0x581bf1 , 0x581c68 , 0x581c90 , 0x581cc4 , 0x581cfc , 0x581d24 , 0x581d4c , 0x581d80 , 0x581db4 , 0x581de8 , 0x581e20 , 0x581e55 , 0x581e8a , 0x581f01 , 0x581f3a , 0x581f73 , 0x58208c , 0x58201a , 0x582053 , 0x5820c5 , 0x5820fe , 0x582133 , 0x582165 , 0x58219a , 0x5821cf , 0x582204 , 0x5822a2 , 0x580765 , 0x5822d8 , 0x582300 , 0x58236f , 0x5823a5 , 0x5823db , 0x582403 , 0x58242d , 0x582457 , 0x582484 , 0x580794 , 0x5824b3 , 0x5824e0 , 0x58250d , 0x58253a , 0x582567 , 0x582594 , 0x580765 , 0x580794 , 0x5825bc , 0x5825fb , 0x582623 , 0x58264b , 0x58267f , 0x5826b3 , 0x581112 , 0x5811e8 , 0x5828c4 , 0x5828f8 , 0x58121c , 0x581249 , 0x580794 , 0x581476 , 0x580825 , 0x580c4d , 0x580a91 , 0x580933 , 0x580b94 , 0x581416 , 0x581455 , 0x580de9 , 0x58135b , 0x5812fd , 0x5814bf , 0x5814ee , 0x581697 , 0x5816e3 , 0x58171b , 0x58192e , 0x5812d1 , 0x581271 , 0x5812a9 , 0x5826db , 0x582703 , 0x58272b , 0x582753 , 0x582787 , 0x5827bb , 0x5827ef , 0x582823 , 0x580f75 , 0x580fa9 , 0x580fdd , ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- 0x581005 , 0x581039 , 0x58106d , 0x5810a5 , 0x5810dd , 0x582239 , 0x58226e , 0x580eef , 0x580f2d , 0x580794 , 0x5808b9 , 0x580b39 , 0x5809a3 , 0x580a2e , 0x58138a , 0x581c26 , 0x581ebf , 0x58232d , 0x58182c , 0x581869 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x5818ba , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x581902 } count = 11 count_volatile = -2 vectorp = 0x890f88 vectorp_volatile = 0x11 stack = { pc = 0xac2db9 "\210\016\066\347>\203\033\001deV\203\033\001dSf\350U\204\033\001\016\067\311=\203\005\001dSf\351U\204\033\001\t\204\033\001\212db\210\352\353\354D\355\353\356\352EDC\217\210)\t\203\060\001\016\065\203\060\001\016\070\357N\360=\204\060\001\361 \210\362\363!\207", byte_string = 8982369, byte_string_start = 0xac2cd9 "\306\b!?\021\n\204\255", next = 0x7fffffffdc30} stack_volatile = {pc = 0x1
, byte_string = 8982325, byte_string_start = 0x1ea76b0 "\004", next = 0x1ea7550} result = 42195008 type = (unknown: 4294957496) #30 0x000000000054cce7 in funcall_lambda (fun=8982325, nargs=nargs@entry=2, arg_vector=0x7fffffffdc30, arg_vector@entry=0x7fffffffdb78) at eval.c:2957 val = syms_left = lexenv = i = optional = rest = #31 0x000000000054cfab in Ffuncall (nargs=3, args=0x7fffffffdb70) at eval.c:2850 fun = original_fun = 16581010 numargs = 2 val = internal_args = i = #32 0x00000000005806fd in exec_byte_code (bytestr=42195008, vector=12584594, maxdepth=42596704, args_template=2, nargs=140737488345960, args=0x3) at bytecode.c:919 targets = {0x580794 , 0x580f5f , 0x580f64 , 0x580f69 , 0x580592 , 0x580598 , 0x581763 , 0x5817a0 , 0x581822 , 0x581827 , 0x5817f1 , 0x5817f6 , 0x5805c9 , 0x5805d0 , 0x580c38 , 0x5817fb , 0x580da3 , 0x580da8 , 0x580e25 , 0x580e2a , 0x580635 , 0x580638 , 0x580dd4 , 0x580dad , 0x580e56 , 0x580e5b , 0x580e60 , 0x580e65 , 0x5806a1 , 0x5806a8 , 0x580e10 , 0x580e2f , 0x580eb1 , 0x580eb6 , 0x580ebb , 0x580ec5 , 0x5806e0 , 0x5806e0 , 0x580e75 , 0x580e8a , 0x580815 , 0x58081a , ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- 0x58081f , 0x580eea , 0x58071d , 0x580720 , 0x580ed5 , 0x5807ee , 0x581668 , 0x58165d , 0x581527 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x581984 , 0x581a14 , 0x581a4b , 0x581a82 , 0x581ab9 , 0x580cfa , 0x580d34 , 0x581afa , 0x580cbf , 0x580d68 , 0x581b2c , 0x581b60 , 0x581b88 , 0x581bbc , 0x581bf1 , 0x581c68 , 0x581c90 , 0x581cc4 , 0x581cfc , 0x581d24 , 0x581d4c , 0x581d80 , 0x581db4 , 0x581de8 , 0x581e20 , 0x581e55 , 0x581e8a , 0x581f01 , 0x581f3a , 0x581f73 , 0x58208c , 0x58201a , 0x582053 , 0x5820c5 , 0x5820fe , 0x582133 , 0x582165 , 0x58219a , 0x5821cf , 0x582204 , 0x5822a2 , 0x580765 , 0x5822d8 , 0x582300 , 0x58236f , 0x5823a5 , 0x5823db , 0x582403 , 0x58242d , 0x582457 , 0x582484 , 0x580794 , 0x5824b3 , 0x5824e0 , 0x58250d , 0x58253a , 0x582567 , 0x582594 , 0x580765 , 0x580794 , 0x5825bc , 0x5825fb , 0x582623 , 0x58264b , 0x58267f , 0x5826b3 , 0x581112 , 0x5811e8 , 0x5828c4 , 0x5828f8 , 0x58121c , 0x581249 , 0x580794 , 0x581476 , 0x580825 , 0x580c4d , 0x580a91 , 0x580933 , 0x580b94 , 0x581416 , 0x581455 , 0x580de9 , 0x58135b , 0x5812fd , 0x5814bf , 0x5814ee , 0x581697 , 0x5816e3 , 0x58171b , 0x58192e , 0x5812d1 , 0x581271 , 0x5812a9 , 0x5826db , 0x582703 , 0x58272b , 0x582753 , 0x582787 , 0x5827bb , 0x5827ef , 0x582823 , 0x580f75 , 0x580fa9 , 0x580fdd , 0x581005 , 0x581039 , 0x58106d , 0x5810a5 , 0x5810dd , 0x582239 , 0x58226e , 0x580eef , 0x580f2d , 0x580794 , 0x5808b9 , 0x580b39 , 0x5809a3 , 0x580a2e , 0x58138a , 0x581c26 , 0x581ebf , 0x58232d , 0x58182c , 0x581869 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x5818ba , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x581902 } count = 9 count_volatile = 16 vectorp = 0x890700 vectorp_volatile = 0x525f938c stack = {pc = 0xac3126 "\210p)\207", byte_string = 8980185, byte_string_start = 0xac3053 "\306Cr\006\006q\210\307\310!\210\307\311!\210\307\312!\210\313\030\314 \210)\315\316!\203'", next = 0x7fffffffde10} stack_volatile = {pc = 0x124fe1aa
, byte_string = 8980141, byte_string_start = 0x1ea7670 "", next = 0x1ea7550} result = 42195008 type = (unknown: 4294957928) #33 0x000000000054cce7 in funcall_lambda (fun=8980141, nargs=nargs@entry=6, arg_vector=0x7fffffffde10, arg_vector@entry=0x7fffffffdd70) at eval.c:2957 val = syms_left = lexenv = i = optional = rest = #34 0x000000000054cfab in Ffuncall (nargs=7, args=0x7fffffffdd68) at eval.c:2850 fun = original_fun = 16580818 numargs = 6 val = internal_args = i = #35 0x00000000005806fd in exec_byte_code (bytestr=42195008, vector=12584594, maxdepth=42596704, args_template=2, nargs=140737488346464, args=0x7) at bytecode.c:919 targets = {0x580794 , 0x580f5f , 0x580f64 , 0x580f69 , 0x580592 , 0x580598 , 0x581763 , 0x5817a0 , 0x581822 , 0x581827 , 0x5817f1 , 0x5817f6 , 0x5805c9 , 0x5805d0 , 0x580c38 , 0x5817fb , 0x580da3 , 0x580da8 , 0x580e25 , 0x580e2a , 0x580635 , 0x580638 , 0x580dd4 , 0x580dad , 0x580e56 , 0x580e5b , 0x580e60 , 0x580e65 , 0x5806a1 , 0x5806a8 , 0x580e10 , 0x580e2f , 0x580eb1 , 0x580eb6 , 0x580ebb , 0x580ec5 , 0x5806e0 , 0x5806e0 , 0x580e75 , 0x580e8a , 0x580815 , 0x58081a , 0x58081f , 0x580eea , 0x58071d , 0x580720 , 0x580ed5 , 0x5807ee , 0x581668 , 0x58165d , 0x581527 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x581984 , 0x581a14 , 0x581a4b , 0x581a82 , 0x581ab9 , 0x580cfa , 0x580d34 , 0x581afa , 0x580cbf , 0x580d68 , 0x581b2c , 0x581b60 , 0x581b88 , 0x581bbc , 0x581bf1 , 0x581c68 , 0x581c90 , 0x581cc4 , 0x581cfc , 0x581d24 , ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- 0x581d4c , 0x581d80 , 0x581db4 , 0x581de8 , 0x581e20 , 0x581e55 , 0x581e8a , 0x581f01 , 0x581f3a , 0x581f73 , 0x58208c , 0x58201a , 0x582053 , 0x5820c5 , 0x5820fe , 0x582133 , 0x582165 , 0x58219a , 0x5821cf , 0x582204 , 0x5822a2 , 0x580765 , 0x5822d8 , 0x582300 , 0x58236f , 0x5823a5 , 0x5823db , 0x582403 , 0x58242d , 0x582457 , 0x582484 , 0x580794 , 0x5824b3 , 0x5824e0 , 0x58250d , 0x58253a , 0x582567 , 0x582594 , 0x580765 , 0x580794 , 0x5825bc , 0x5825fb , 0x582623 , 0x58264b , 0x58267f , 0x5826b3 , 0x581112 , 0x5811e8 , 0x5828c4 , 0x5828f8 , 0x58121c , 0x581249 , 0x580794 , 0x581476 , 0x580825 , 0x580c4d , 0x580a91 , 0x580933 , 0x580b94 , 0x581416 , 0x581455 , 0x580de9 , 0x58135b , 0x5812fd , 0x5814bf , 0x5814ee , 0x581697 , 0x5816e3 , 0x58171b , 0x58192e , 0x5812d1 , 0x581271 , 0x5812a9 , 0x5826db , 0x582703 , 0x58272b , 0x582753 , 0x582787 , 0x5827bb , 0x5827ef , 0x582823 , 0x580f75 , 0x580fa9 , 0x580fdd , 0x581005 , 0x581039 , 0x58106d , 0x5810a5 , 0x5810dd , 0x582239 , 0x58226e , 0x580eef , 0x580f2d , 0x580794 , 0x5808b9 , 0x580b39 , 0x5809a3 , 0x580a2e , 0x58138a , 0x581c26 , 0x581ebf , 0x58232d , 0x58182c , 0x581869 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x5818ba , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x581902 } count = 8 count_volatile = 44253089 vectorp = 0x8900c0 vectorp_volatile = 0xefaef2 stack = {pc = 0xac3acd "\266\205\207", byte_string = 8978585, byte_string_start = 0xac3809 "\003C\211\306\307\003\242!!\240\210\310\001\242!\203\063", next = 0x7fffffffdf90} stack_volatile = {pc = 0x0, byte_string = 8978541, byte_string_start = 0x1ea7650 "\004", next = 0x1ea7550} result = 42195008 type = (unknown: 4294958432) #36 0x000000000054cce7 in funcall_lambda (fun=8978541, nargs=nargs@entry=4, ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- arg_vector=0x7fffffffdf90, arg_vector@entry=0x7fffffffdf10) at eval.c:2957 val = syms_left = lexenv = i = optional = rest = #37 0x000000000054cfab in Ffuncall (nargs=5, args=0x7fffffffdf08) at eval.c:2850 fun = original_fun = 15708034 numargs = 4 val = internal_args = i = #38 0x00000000005806fd in exec_byte_code (bytestr=42195008, vector=12584594, maxdepth=42596704, args_template=2, nargs=2, args=0x5) at bytecode.c:919 targets = {0x580794 , 0x580f5f , 0x580f64 , 0x580f69 , 0x580592 , 0x580598 , 0x581763 , 0x5817a0 , 0x581822 , 0x581827 , 0x5817f1 , 0x5817f6 , 0x5805c9 , 0x5805d0 , 0x580c38 , 0x5817fb , 0x580da3 , 0x580da8 , 0x580e25 , 0x580e2a , 0x580635 , 0x580638 , 0x580dd4 , 0x580dad , 0x580e56 , 0x580e5b , 0x580e60 , 0x580e65 , 0x5806a1 , 0x5806a8 , 0x580e10 , 0x580e2f , 0x580eb1 , 0x580eb6 , 0x580ebb , 0x580ec5 , 0x5806e0 , 0x5806e0 , 0x580e75 , 0x580e8a , 0x580815 , 0x58081a , 0x58081f , 0x580eea , 0x58071d , 0x580720 , 0x580ed5 , 0x5807ee , 0x581668 , 0x58165d , 0x581527 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x581984 , 0x581a14 , 0x581a4b , 0x581a82 , 0x581ab9 , 0x580cfa , 0x580d34 , 0x581afa , 0x580cbf , 0x580d68 , 0x581b2c , 0x581b60 , 0x581b88 , 0x581bbc , 0x581bf1 , 0x581c68 , 0x581c90 , 0x581cc4 , 0x581cfc , 0x581d24 , 0x581d4c , 0x581d80 , 0x581db4 , 0x581de8 , 0x581e20 , 0x581e55 , 0x581e8a , 0x581f01 , 0x581f3a , 0x581f73 , 0x58208c , 0x58201a , 0x582053 , 0x5820c5 , 0x5820fe , 0x582133 , 0x582165 , 0x58219a , 0x5821cf , 0x582204 , 0x5822a2 , 0x580765 , 0x5822d8 , 0x582300 , 0x58236f , 0x5823a5 , 0x5823db , 0x582403 , 0x58242d , 0x582457 , 0x582484 , 0x580794 , 0x5824b3 , 0x5824e0 , 0x58250d , 0x58253a , ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- 0x582567 , 0x582594 , 0x580765 , 0x580794 , 0x5825bc , 0x5825fb , 0x582623 , 0x58264b , 0x58267f , 0x5826b3 , 0x581112 , 0x5811e8 , 0x5828c4 , 0x5828f8 , 0x58121c , 0x581249 , 0x580794 , 0x581476 , 0x580825 , 0x580c4d , 0x580a91 , 0x580933 , 0x580b94 , 0x581416 , 0x581455 , 0x580de9 , 0x58135b , 0x5812fd , 0x5814bf , 0x5814ee , 0x581697 , 0x5816e3 , 0x58171b , 0x58192e , 0x5812d1 , 0x581271 , 0x5812a9 , 0x5826db , 0x582703 , 0x58272b , 0x582753 , 0x582787 , 0x5827bb , 0x5827ef , 0x582823 , 0x580f75 , 0x580fa9 , 0x580fdd , 0x581005 , 0x581039 , 0x58106d , 0x5810a5 , 0x5810dd , 0x582239 , 0x58226e , 0x580eef , 0x580f2d , 0x580794 , 0x5808b9 , 0x580b39 , 0x5809a3 , 0x580a2e , 0x58138a , 0x581c26 , 0x581ebf , 0x58232d , 0x58182c , 0x581869 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x5818ba , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x581902 } count = 7 count_volatile = 192 vectorp = 0x88ea38 vectorp_volatile = 0x594e32 stack = {pc = 0xac4388 "\211<\203\034", byte_string = 8972817, byte_string_start = 0xac4382 "\300\002\301\211\004$\211<\203\034", next = 0x7fffffffe350} stack_volatile = {pc = 0xbc7b05 "", byte_string = 8972765, byte_string_start = 0x1ea7630 "\004", next = 0x1ea7550} result = 42195008 type = (unknown: 2) #39 0x000000000054cce7 in funcall_lambda (fun=8972765, nargs=nargs@entry=2, arg_vector=0x7fffffffe350, arg_vector@entry=0x7fffffffe078) at eval.c:2957 val = syms_left = lexenv = i = optional = rest = #40 0x000000000054cfab in Ffuncall (nargs=nargs@entry=3, args=args@entry=0x7fffffffe070) at eval.c:2850 fun = original_fun = 15708082 numargs = 2 val = internal_args = i = #41 0x000000000054e25c in Fapply (nargs=nargs@entry=2, args=args@entry=0x7fffffffe110) at eval.c:2328 i = ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- numargs = spread_arg = 12313490 funcall_args = 0x7fffffffe070 fun = retval = gcpro1 = {next = , var = , nvars = 3} sa_must_free = false #42 0x000000000054e490 in apply1 (fn=fn@entry=15708082, arg=arg@entry=20439974) at eval.c:2562 args = {15708082, 20439974} gcpro1 = {next = , var = 0x7fffffffe110, nvars = 2} #43 0x00000000005491d3 in Fcall_interactively (function=15708082, record_flag=12313490, keys=12332093) at callint.c:378 input = funval = events = args = visargs = specs = 20439974 filter_specs = teml = up_event = 12313490 enable = next_event = prefix_arg = 12313490 string = 0x0 tem = varies = i = nargs = mark = arg_from_tty = false gcpro3 = gcpro4 = key_count = 2 record_then_fail = false save_this_command = 15708082 save_last_command = 12313490 save_this_original_command = 15708082 save_real_this_command = 15708082 #44 0x000000000054d168 in Ffuncall (nargs=, args=) at eval.c:2796 fun = 11434381 original_fun = 12457874 numargs = val = internal_args = 0x7fffffffe2c0 i = #45 0x00000000005806fd in exec_byte_code (bytestr=42195008, vector=12584594, maxdepth=42596704, args_template=2, nargs=140737488347824, args=0x4) at bytecode.c:919 targets = {0x580794 , 0x580f5f , 0x580f64 , 0x580f69 , 0x580592 , 0x580598 , 0x581763 , 0x5817a0 , 0x581822 , 0x581827 , 0x5817f1 , 0x5817f6 , 0x5805c9 , 0x5805d0 , 0x580c38 , 0x5817fb , 0x580da3 , 0x580da8 , 0x580e25 , 0x580e2a , 0x580635 , 0x580638 , 0x580dd4 , 0x580dad , 0x580e56 , 0x580e5b , 0x580e60 , 0x580e65 , 0x5806a1 , 0x5806a8 , 0x580e10 , 0x580e2f , 0x580eb1 , 0x580eb6 , 0x580ebb , 0x580ec5 , 0x5806e0 , 0x5806e0 , 0x580e75 , 0x580e8a , 0x580815 , 0x58081a , ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- 0x58081f , 0x580eea , 0x58071d , 0x580720 , 0x580ed5 , 0x5807ee , 0x581668 , 0x58165d , 0x581527 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x581984 , 0x581a14 , 0x581a4b , 0x581a82 , 0x581ab9 , 0x580cfa , 0x580d34 , 0x581afa , 0x580cbf , 0x580d68 , 0x581b2c , 0x581b60 , 0x581b88 , 0x581bbc , 0x581bf1 , 0x581c68 , 0x581c90 , 0x581cc4 , 0x581cfc , 0x581d24 , 0x581d4c , 0x581d80 , 0x581db4 , 0x581de8 , 0x581e20 , 0x581e55 , 0x581e8a , 0x581f01 , 0x581f3a , 0x581f73 , 0x58208c , 0x58201a , 0x582053 , 0x5820c5 , 0x5820fe , 0x582133 , 0x582165 , 0x58219a , 0x5821cf , 0x582204 , 0x5822a2 , 0x580765 , 0x5822d8 , 0x582300 , 0x58236f , 0x5823a5 , 0x5823db , 0x582403 , 0x58242d , 0x582457 , 0x582484 , 0x580794 , 0x5824b3 , 0x5824e0 , 0x58250d , 0x58253a , 0x582567 , 0x582594 , 0x580765 , 0x580794 , 0x5825bc , 0x5825fb , 0x582623 , 0x58264b , 0x58267f , 0x5826b3 , 0x581112 , 0x5811e8 , 0x5828c4 , 0x5828f8 , 0x58121c , 0x581249 , 0x580794 , 0x581476 , 0x580825 , 0x580c4d , 0x580a91 , 0x580933 , 0x580b94 , 0x581416 , 0x581455 , 0x580de9 , 0x58135b , 0x5812fd , 0x5814bf , 0x5814ee , 0x581697 , 0x5816e3 , 0x58171b , 0x58192e , 0x5812d1 , 0x581271 , 0x5812a9 , 0x5826db , 0x582703 , 0x58272b , 0x582753 , 0x582787 , 0x5827bb , 0x5827ef , 0x582823 , 0x580f75 , 0x580fa9 , 0x580fdd , 0x581005 , 0x581039 , 0x58106d , 0x5810a5 , 0x5810dd , 0x582239 , 0x58226e , 0x580eef , 0x580f2d , 0x580794 , 0x5808b9 , 0x580b39 , 0x5809a3 , 0x580a2e , 0x58138a , 0x581c26 , 0x581ebf , 0x58232d , 0x58182c , 0x581869 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x5818ba , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x580794 , 0x581902 } count = 4 count_volatile = 0 vectorp = 0x90c3d8 vectorp_volatile = 0x7ffff3ac0be8 stack = {pc = 0xa981f2 "\006\006\071\203\225", byte_string = 9487281, byte_string_start = 0xa98184 "\305\020\211?\205\f", next = 0x0} stack_volatile = {pc = 0x525f9514
, byte_string = 9487237, byte_string_start = 0x1ea75d0 "\004", next = 0x1ea7550} result = 42195008 type = (unknown: 4294959792) #46 0x000000000054cce7 in funcall_lambda (fun=9487237, nargs=nargs@entry=1, arg_vector=0x0, arg_vector@entry=0x7fffffffe438) at eval.c:2957 val = syms_left = lexenv = i = optional = rest = #47 0x000000000054cfab in Ffuncall (nargs=nargs@entry=2, args=args@entry=0x7fffffffe430) at eval.c:2850 fun = original_fun = 12364866 numargs = 1 val = internal_args = i = #48 0x000000000054d2ca in call1 (fn=, arg1=) at eval.c:2588 ret_ungc_val = 42195008 gcpro1 = {next = , var = , nvars = 2} args = {12364866, 15708082} #49 0x00000000004eae4c in command_loop_1 () at keyboard.c:1557 cmd = keybuf = {96, 88, 140737488348352, 9135368, 16520594, 4000, 140737488349120, 0, 140737488348544, 5555355, 19, 336, 4, 52, 0, 91, 0, 0, 511101108334, 0, 124, 52, 0, 140737245111840, 296, 12313490, 4000, 140737488349120, 0, 140737241795776} i = prev_modiff = 10 prev_buffer = 0xbc7b00 #50 0x000000000054b5d7 in internal_condition_case ( bfun=bfun@entry=0x4eaac0 , handlers=, hfun=hfun@entry=0x4e1ba0 ) at eval.c:1331 val = c = #51 0x00000000004dd34e in command_loop_2 (ignore=ignore@entry=12313490) at keyboard.c:1158 val = 42195008 #52 0x000000000054b4fb in internal_catch (tag=12368402, func=func@entry=0x4dd330 , arg=12313490) at eval.c:1097 val = c = #53 0x00000000004e16d7 in command_loop () at keyboard.c:1137 No locals. #54 recursive_edit_1 () at keyboard.c:776 val = 16552912 #55 0x00000000004e19c2 in Frecursive_edit () at keyboard.c:840 buffer = 12313490 #56 0x0000000000416c65 in main (argc=, argv=0x7fffffffe7c8) at emacs.c:1578 dummy = 95 stack_bottom_variable = -1 '\377' do_initial_setlocale = dumping = skip_args = 0 ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- rlim = {rlim_cur = 8720000, rlim_max = 18446744073709551615} no_loadup = false junk = 0x0 dname_arg = 0x0 ch_to_dir = 0x770000006e