Assume that I have the following Java source, where # indicates the cursor position:
* Does stuff.
* <p>Hello
* @see FooBar
private void lol() {}
So I press C-{ and this is what happens:
* Does stuff.
* <p>Hello
#* @see FooBar
private void lol() {}
And then I press it again:
* Does stuff.
#* <p>Hello
* @see FooBar
private void lol() {}
And here's what I expected to happen:
* Does stuff.
* <p>Hello
* @see FooBar
private void lol() {}
C-{ and C-} should cycle between blank lines. But the reason why this doesn't happen in java-mode, is because Java redefines the definition of a paragraph. It sets the paragraph-start variable (among other variables) so that when I M-q to fill-paragraph, it'll work correctly *within* the Javadoc, rather than reflowing my code into a jumbled mess.