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bug#23164: 25.1.50; xref-find-definitions with local tags-file-name fail

From: Josiah Schwab
Subject: bug#23164: 25.1.50; xref-find-definitions with local tags-file-name fails
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2016 10:49:19 -0800
User-agent: mu4e 0.9.17; emacs 25.1.1


I receive an error from commands like the original bug

> (setq-local tags-file-name "fruits/TAGS")
> (xref-find-definitions "apple")

and the proposed workaround

> (visit-tags-table "fruits/TAGS" t)
> (xref-find-definitions "apple")

under emacs 25.1 and git master (at c542fab).

I used a trivial TAGS file, available from


but any simple tags file (that doesn't include other TAGS files; see
earlier in this thread) ought to work.


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