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bug#3418: Issue with compile.el and compilation-parse-errors-filename-fu

From: npostavs
Subject: bug#3418: Issue with compile.el and compilation-parse-errors-filename-function
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 20:50:29 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.2.50 (gnu/linux)

Gary Oberbrunner <garyo@genarts.com> writes:

> If a user (such as myself) has an implementation of this function in his 
> .emacs today, like so:
> (defun process-error-filename (filename)
>   ;;; do stuff with filename
>   filename)
> (setq compilation-parse-errors-filename-function 'process-error-filename)
> and we add a new argument that gets passed to that function, it'll throw an 
> error. *Users* will have to add 
>   &optional spec-dir 
> to their implementations of it to avoid the error.

We could do something like

    (condition-case err
        (funcall compilation-parse-errors-filename-function filename spec-dir)
       ;; Try again with single arg for backwards compatibility.
       (funcall compilation-parse-errors-filename-function filename)))

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