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bug#28902: 25.3; M-x report-emacs-bug requires smtp

From: Alexis
Subject: bug#28902: 25.3; M-x report-emacs-bug requires smtp
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2017 19:15:39 +1100
User-agent: mu4e 0.9.19; emacs 25.2.1

Faré <fahree@gmail.com> writes:

M-x report-emacs-bug tries to send mail from the localhost, but these days, due to spam issues, SMTP is not quite as available as it was say twenty years ago. Most localhost do not have a mail server; most ISPs do not offer SMTP and further block SMTP ports; most servers on the internet will not relay mail without authentication; to setup your own server requires possessing a domain and a stable server, altering DNS records and mastering technologies such as DKIM, DMARC, SPF, etc., that did not exist back in the days when M-x report-emacs-bug was
originally written.

True. On the other hand, those are not the only possibilities; a number of people, such as myself, use a dedicated email service provider, and
have set up SMTP clients such as `msmtp' to send email via that
provider's SMTP servers.

To remain usable, M-x report-emacs-bug should at the very least
document how one may send the mail via some webmail instead

i might be missing something, but do people think they can't just copy and paste the report text into a new email, and send it to the address specified in the report buffer's To: field, i.e. bug-gnu-emacs@gnu.org?

or offer to configure emacs (or the underlying system) to offer some
interface that will bridge the SMTP gap somehow.

The problem is that there are just so many different ways of setting up
email - not only across operating systems, but also within a given
OS/distro. Even if one settled on, say, using msmtp (rather than, say, exim, postfix, esmtp, opensmtpd, sendmail etc.) as the underlying MTA, there's still the question of how to actually get that on the user's
system if it's not already installed:

* Via a package manager? If so, then the various package UIs (apt, yum, dnf, YaST, pacman, apk, etc.) need to be taken into consideration, as do the various locations that different OSes might put the various configuration files. Further, not all users will necessarily have the
 permissions to allow installing arbitrary packages.

* Build it from source? Many users won't have the necessary build setup on their machine (or indeed, be able to install the necessary setup).

* Bundle it with Emacs? Assuming the license allows that, that's going
 to create maintenance burdens in terms of tracking upstream's
bug/security fixes, and e.g. having to release a new version of Emacs
 in order to get a security fix for the MTA onto users' machines.

And then there are the security issues that come with having an
configured MTA available on a machine; it's one thing if someone is making use of that MTA for various email needs, it's another if it's
only being used by Emacs ....

So it seems to me that designing an interface to covering all, or even
many, of the possibilities would be an /enormous/ task.


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