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bug#43177: Bug: Emacs 27.1 hangs forever in `FcCharSetSubtractCount' fro

From: Alexander Shukaev
Subject: bug#43177: Bug: Emacs 27.1 hangs forever in `FcCharSetSubtractCount' from '/usr/lib/libfontconfig.so.1'
Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2020 12:24:30 +0200

On 03/09/2020 12:06, Robert Pluim wrote:
On Thu, 3 Sep 2020 11:53:05 +0200, Alexander Shukaev 
<emacs@Alexander.Shukaev.name> said:

     Alexander> On 03/09/2020 11:50, Alexander Shukaev wrote:
     >> On 03/09/2020 11:40, Alexander Shukaev wrote:
     >>> (gdb) f 7
     >>> #7  0x0000555555a8d875 in xfont_supported_scripts
     >>> (display=0x555556594940, fontname=0x55556a79e428 "-misc-trirong
     >>> medium-medium-i-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso10646-1",
     >>> props=XIL(0x7ffff27926e5),
     >>>      encoding=0x7ffff23ab8d0) at xfont.c:266
     >>> 266          xfont = XLoadQueryFont (display, fontname);
     >>> (gdb) pp fontname
     >>> #<INVALID_LISP_OBJECT 0x55556a79e428>
     >>> (gdb) pp fontname
     >>> #<INVALID_LISP_OBJECT 0x55556a79e428>
     >>> (gdb) p fontname
     >>> $3 = 0x55556a79e428 "-misc-trirong
     >>> medium-medium-i-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso10646-1"
     >>> (gdb)
     >> It appears to always be different `fontname' here as I try multiple
     >> times to reproduce.  Maybe it's not really hanging but is merely
     >> ultra-slow somehow in looping over the fonts here.  Any ideas?

     Alexander> Hmm, right, waited for about a minute or so, and the file got 
     Alexander> finally.  Reopening it was instant as well as if something got
     Alexander> cached/loaded already.  So any ideas how to speed things up 
here?  I
     Alexander> don't think I've encountered that with 26.3...

You can check easily enough by building emacs-27 --without-cairo, that
should get you back to emacs-26's font handling.

The issue is: why is Emacs falling back to the 'x' backend?


The only related font configurations that I can think of are the following:

(defcustom init-font-families
  '("Powerline Consolas"
    "Consolas for Powerline"
    "Powerline Inconsolata-g"
    "Inconsolata-g for Powerline"
    "Powerline Source Code Pro"
    "Source Code Pro for Powerline"
    "Source Code Pro"
    "Powerline DejaVu Sans Mono"
    "DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline"
    "DejaVu Sans Mono"
  "List of font families."
  :group 'init
  :type 'list)

(defcustom init-font-size
  "Size of font."
  :group 'init
  :type 'integer)

  (defun init-frame-font-setup
      (&optional frame)
    (unless frame (setq frame (selected-frame)))
    (with-selected-frame frame
      (when (and (not noninteractive) (init-display-graphic-p))
        (let ((font (assoc 'font default-frame-alist)))
          (if font
              (when (eq frame frame-initial-frame)
                (set-frame-font font t t)
                (unless noninteractive
                  (message "Font: `%s'" font)))
            (let ((font-family (catch 'break
                                 (dolist (font-family init-font-families)
                                   (when (member font-family
                                     (throw 'break font-family))))))
              (setq font (when font-family
                           (format "%s-%d" font-family init-font-size))))
            (when font
              (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist `(font . ,font))
              (set-frame-font font t t)
              (unless noninteractive
                (message "Font: `%s'" font))))))))

  (unless (or noninteractive (daemonp))
    (when (init-display-graphic-p)

  (dolist (hook '(after-make-frame-functions
    (add-hook hook #'init-frame-font-setup))

With what I consistently get output

Font: ‘Consolas-12’

for several years already on various Linux systems that I'm using so far.

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