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bug#43252: 27.1; DBus properties lack type hints or overrides

From: Hugh Daschbach
Subject: bug#43252: 27.1; DBus properties lack type hints or overrides
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2020 15:23:16 -0700
User-agent: mu4e 1.5.5; emacs 27.1

Michael Albinus writes:

Hugh Daschbach <hugh@ccss.com> writes:

Hi Hugh,

I've just finished my work on dbus-set-property. It shall also keep the type information of the registered property. Because of this, I've changed the internal structure of dbus-event; for all arguments the
corresponding type information is propagated now.

You might test this. Given you confirm this functionality, I believe we
can close this bug report now.

Good.  I'll test and report back.

That idea has taken root. It'll take me a few days to put together
reviewable code.  But I've got a good start.

Now that we have type information in dbus-event, I'll start next days to
implement org.freedesktop.DBus.Monitoring.BecomeMonitor
this succeeds, we could implement a counterpart to the dbus-monitor program in Elisp. And you would be able to access this information
programmatically, including all message and signal call / return
arguments and their types. Let's see.

Excellent. I can now parse the output of dbus-monitor. But capturing
asynchronous output and feeding it through an ah-hoc parser seems
fragile. Capturing type data directly as a monitor is much more robust.

There's quite a bit of boiler plate in the property tests. Do you have an issue with rolling that up in a macro? Does it make test failure
analysis more difficult?

Here's a candidate:

(defmacro dbus-test05-test-property (name value expected)
 `(let ((byte-array ,name))
      :session dbus--test-service dbus--test-path
      dbus--test-interface ,name :read
     `((:property :session ,,dbus--test-interface ,,name)
       (,dbus--test-service ,,dbus--test-path))))
      :session dbus--test-service dbus--test-path
      dbus--test-interface ,name)

   ;; a test for `dbus-get-property' shall be added.

   (let ((result
           :session dbus--test-service dbus--test-path
    (should (equal (cdr (assoc ,name result)) ,expected)))

   (let ((result
(dbus-get-all-managed-objects :session dbus--test-service "/"))
    (should (setq result1 (cadr (assoc dbus--test-path result))))
(should (setq result1 (cadr (assoc dbus--test-interface result1))))
    (should (equal (cdr (assoc ,name result1)) ,expected)))))

With the calling sequence something like:

'(:array :byte 1 :byte 2 :byte 3)
'(1 2 3))



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