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bug#45854: 28.0.50; [feature/native-comp] autoload behavior different in

From: Mauricio Collares
Subject: bug#45854: 28.0.50; [feature/native-comp] autoload behavior different in the presence of errors
Date: Mon, 01 Feb 2021 09:49:21 -0300
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.13; emacs 28.0.50

Andrea Corallo <akrl@sdf.org> writes:
> Here I'm,
> I can see the same exact behavior on current master as on a native-comp
> build so I believe this is not a misbehavior.  I did the two experiments
> starting from a clean .emacs.d to avoid state issues.

Hi Andrea,

Yes, I now agree. Starting with "HOME=~/tmp", a git bisect says that
master changed behaviour at 9973019764250ac1f4d77a6b426cdd9c241151c5
too. So this is not a problem with native-compilation and the bug I
reported is invalid. Truly sorry for the confusion. I took care to
delete ~/.emacs.d/elpa and the eln-cache directories between tests but
there must be additional state that interfered with my initial testing.

I have one last question to ask you. The original investigation started
because failure to compile a trampoline (due to an empty
comp-eln-load-path, say) previously didn't interrupt package
installation, and after changes on master it now does. So the remaining
question is: Is triggering trampoline compilation expected even when
running emacs non-interactively in a context (such as in the above
testcase with an uncommented (provide 'transientx)) that otherwise does
not generate .eln files? If this is the intended behaviour, would it
make sense to make trampoline compilation failure emit a warning instead
of an error in those contexts?


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