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bug#48841: fido-mode is slower than ido-mode with similar settings

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: bug#48841: fido-mode is slower than ido-mode with similar settings
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2021 03:08:13 +0300
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/78.8.1

On 13.06.2021 17:29, João Távora wrote:

Yeah, to be honest, once I'm done actually using these functions I
immediately evict the differences between try-completion,
completion-try-completion, try-try-completion-completion, or any of
these yoda-speak variations from my mental cache.

Here I meant is that there was something apparently useless and slow (to
fido-mode at least) going on in that else branch.

And there it was!

Elapsed time: 0.329006s (0.246073s in 10 GCs)


Elapsed time: 0.169200s (0.113762s in 5 GCs)

I suppose the 40-70ms difference is due to delay in typing.

No idea.  In my (slower?) system, I typed C-u C-x C-e C-m pretty fast.
Presumably the C-m goes in before pp-eval-last-sexp has a chance to read
more input so I wouldn't think it's a delay in typing.

Some input latency must be there, of course it depends on how fast Emacs is handling the previous events, how fast the machine is, etc.

Anyway, I was just describing an easier way to benchmark the same effect (without having to hit the key sequence very quickly). Hope you or someone else find it useful.

I could
investigate, but since your measurements confirm the same tendency
anyway, I think this simple patch is what's needed to close this issue.

Haven't tested it myself, but it looks like it will almost certainly work.

diff --git a/lisp/icomplete.el b/lisp/icomplete.el
index 08b4ef2030..5d37f47e7d 100644
--- a/lisp/icomplete.el
+++ b/lisp/icomplete.el
@@ -859,13 +859,14 @@ icomplete-completions
                 (base-size (prog1 (cdr last)
                              (if last (setcdr last nil))))
-                (if (and base-size (> base-size 0))
-                    (completion-try-completion
-                     name candidates predicate (length name) md)
-                  ;; If the `comps' are 0-based, the result should be
-                  ;; the same with `comps'.
-                  (completion-try-completion
-                   name comps nil (length name) md)))
+                (and (not fido-mode) ; Fido avoids these expensive 

Perhaps predicate it on the value of icomplete-hide-common-prefix instead?

fido-mode sets it to nil, and this way we retain a better level of abstraction, and better backward compatibility for vanilla icomplete-mode users.

Next step might be switching this var's default value to nil.

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