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bug#49330: Customization buffer should also offer printing code snippets

From: 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
Subject: bug#49330: Customization buffer should also offer printing code snippets
Date: Sat, 03 Jul 2021 14:38:41 +0800

>>>>> "EZ" == Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> writes:
EZ> You mean, what Emacs will write into the init file to save your
EZ> customizations?


EZ> Why is that needed?

So the user can be in full control. RMS knows the feeling.

The user wants a piece of code that he can stick into his .emacs,
safe from having to fight with a robot on who can edit a file.
The user wants to put it into a file that only he is editing.

EZ> If you want to customize your
EZ> faces in Lisp, the recommended way is to use set-face-attribute
EZ> instead, not custom-set-faces.

OK, good. then have the snippet be a set-face-attribute snippet.

The documentation would be: "Here is a snippet you can paste into your
.emacs file manually, if you don't feel comfortable allowing the robot
maintain your customizations."

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