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bug#48841: fido-mode is slower than ido-mode with similar settings

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: bug#48841: fido-mode is slower than ido-mode with similar settings
Date: Sun, 4 Jul 2021 04:53:07 +0300
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/78.11.0

On 18.06.2021 00:21, João Távora wrote:
Dmitry Gutov <dgutov@yandex.ru> writes:

I disagree it's a simpler technique, but it would indeed be a simpler
change, based on the current implementation.
simpler means simpler in my book :-)

One is simpler diff, another is simpler resulting code. Both have
their upsides.

Oh, you meant the The Big Redesign?  I'm a fan of that too, not only
here but constantly, everywhere...  That indeed means simpler resulting
code in abstract.  Problem is that also means different resulting code
to different people.  But is definitely doable.

I meant a particular change (not modifying the strings at all in advance) which would be bigger and indeed might better fit The Big Redesign.

But I don't mind it myself, and happy to update Company. Either way
it's a step forward.
If Company and fido-mode and a couple more outside the core/Elpa are
that's needed, it's probably warranted.  But there are so many frontends
right now, I don't know...  We'd need some "opt into the optimization",
I think."

Since all other users are third-party (and thus have short release
cycles), it shouldn't be too much of a problem. Some highlighting code
would start to fail, but probably without disastrous results. And then
people will issue updates to look for some new property when the old
expected ones are all missing.

OK.  I can live with that rationale.  So what are the places to touch
that "we" control?

- icomplete.el? for fido-mode & friends
- minibuffer.el, for the *Completions* buffer
- company.el
- Any notable others?

corfu, consult, etc? Probably Ivy too. All of these are in GNU ELPA.

BTW, I think Daniel had some ideas about applying the face property lazily as well. I can't find the particular discussion now, but perhaps he can add to this discussion as well.

     ;; with copy
     (2.869362171 6 2.3882547280000495)
     (2.909661303 6 2.4209153659999743)
     (2.845522439 6 2.3638140250000106)
          ;; without copy.  Huge speedup.
     (0.79817337 1 0.4526993239999797)
     (0.8231736510000001 1 0.4752496449999626)
     (0.719004478 1 0.4016016420000028)

Even better.

My current session has 37559 symbols, so it's somewhere in the middle.

Yes, this is a big performance bottleneck.  But i wonder if tweaking GC
parameter would help here.  I know nothing of Emacs GC parameters.

I think the current understanding that by raising gc-cons-threshold we exchange the number of GC pauses for larger latencies. I suppose one could tune that value to a particular workload such that the 4 GCs in a row that I had will turn into just one (and thus save on re-scanning the heap 3 times), but data sets change.

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