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bug#47711: bug#48841: bug#47711: [PATCH VERSION 2] Add new `completion-f

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: bug#47711: bug#48841: bug#47711: [PATCH VERSION 2] Add new `completion-filter-completions` API and deferred highlighting
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2021 05:08:15 +0300
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/78.11.0

On 16.08.2021 21:25, João Távora wrote:
I've made it faster, now very close to the string-propertizing approach,
itself very close to the theoretical best (which is no copy, no
highlight).  See the tip of the
scratch/icomplete-lazy-highlight-no-string-props branch, which I had to
rewrite (some Git flub-up).  All benchmarks after sig.

Thanks. I've read it now.

This implementation style (quick exfiltration via a dynamic var with some special-cased logic) reminds me of the recent changes to eldoc, really not my cup of tea.

At the very least, though, you have done the work of proving that the no-string-propertization approach can be just as fast. Thank you for that.

A hash table with :test 'eq is a good choice. I'd be happy to try to tweak it further, but it also seems that at this point we can transition to the discussion about what kind of implementation style we want, since the performance is proven to be more or less on par.

Though of course that should start with an alternative patch which adds icomplete support as well (either Daniel does it, or I'll give it a try).

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