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bug#50042: acknowledged by developer (control message for bug #50042)

From: Simon Katz
Subject: bug#50042: acknowledged by developer (control message for bug #50042)
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2021 16:27:21 +0100

Hi Lars,

Thanks for fixing the bug I reported.

You mentioned that there might be some peculiarities in this
area, and indeed that seems to be the case.

I still have a problem. If you are interested in what I am trying
to fix, see https://github.com/emacs-lsp/lsp-ui/issues/647

Note that everything is fine if I set `suggest-key-bindings` to

The problems seem to be with commands that both (a) write
messages to the echo area, and (b) have key bindings.

The code below reproduces the problem. See the comments at the
beginning for instructions.


;;; demo-post-command-hook-slow-with-m-x-commands-v2.el --- Demo that
post-command hooks are slow with M-x commands      -*-
lexical-binding: t; -*-

;; This demonstrates an issue with:
;;   `(add-hook 'post-command-hook ...)`.
;; It's a follow-up to an already-reported and partially-fixed problem -- see
;; https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=50042

;; To reproduce the problem:
;; - Run `emacs -q -l <this-file>`
;; - Enter `M-x **-msg-cmd-without-key-binding`.
;; - Observe that it takes many seconds (~15 for me) to produce output to the
;;   "my-output" buffer, and that the "*Messages*" buffer has the message:
;;     You can run the command ‘**-msg-cmd-without-key-binding’ with
M-x -witho RET
;; - Enter `M-x **-msg-cmd-without-key-binding` again.
;; - Observe that both the "*Messages*" buffer and the "my-output" buffer update
;;   immediately.
;; - Repeatedly enter `M-x **-msg-cmd-without-key-binding` and observe the same
;; - result.
;; - Enter `M-x **-msg-cmd-with-key-binding`.
;; - Observe that it takes 2 seconds for output to appear in the "my-output"
;;   buffer.
;; - Observe that the behaviour is the same if the command is repeated.
;; - Use the `C-c C-c` key binding, to invoke `**-msg-cmd-with-key-binding`.
;; - Observe that there are no delays.

;; Emacs displays the "*GNU Emacs*" buffer after loading this file, so use
;; `run-at-time` to delay setting up which buffers are displayed.
(run-at-time 1
             (lambda ()
               (switch-to-buffer "*Messages*" nil t)
               (display-buffer (generate-new-buffer "my-output"))
               ;; Arrange things so that we see the output as it appears:
               (select-window (get-buffer-window "my-output"))))

(defun date-time ()
  (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))

(defun post-command-message ()
  (when (member this-command
    (with-current-buffer "my-output"
      (goto-char (point-max))
      (insert (date-time)
              " The command `"
              (format "%s" this-command)
              "` was executed\n")
      (goto-char (point-max)))))

(add-hook 'post-command-hook 'post-command-message)

(defun **-msg-cmd-without-key-binding ()
  (message "%s Hello from `**-msg-cmd-without-key-binding`"

(defun **-msg-cmd-with-key-binding ()
  (message "%s Hello from `**-msg-cmd-with-key-binding`"

(define-key global-map (kbd "C-c C-c") '**-msg-cmd-with-key-binding)

(setq suggest-key-bindings nil)

(when t ; Whether to load the changes in Emacs commit 42a98feb5b

  (defvar execute-extended-command--binding-timer nil)

  (defun execute-extended-command (prefixarg &optional command-name typed)
    ;; Based on Fexecute_extended_command in keyboard.c of Emacs.
    ;; Aaron S. Hawley <aaron.s.hawley(at)gmail.com> 2009-08-24
    "Read a command name, then read the arguments and call the command.
To pass a prefix argument to the command you are
invoking, give a prefix argument to `execute-extended-command'."
    (declare (interactive-only command-execute))
    ;; FIXME: Remember the actual text typed by the user before completion,
    ;; so that we don't later on suggest the same shortening.
     (let ((execute-extended-command--last-typed nil))
       (list current-prefix-arg
    ;; Emacs<24 calling-convention was with a single `prefixarg' argument.
    (unless command-name
      (let ((current-prefix-arg prefixarg) ; for prompt
            (execute-extended-command--last-typed nil))
        (setq command-name (read-extended-command))
        (setq typed execute-extended-command--last-typed)))
    (let* ((function (and (stringp command-name) (intern-soft command-name)))
           (binding (and suggest-key-bindings
                         (not executing-kbd-macro)
                         (where-is-internal function overriding-local-map t))))
      (unless (commandp function)
        (error "`%s' is not a valid command name" command-name))
      ;; Some features, such as novice.el, rely on this-command-keys
      ;; including M-x COMMAND-NAME RET.
      (set--this-command-keys (concat "\M-x" (symbol-name function) "\r"))
      (setq this-command function)
      ;; Normally `real-this-command' should never be changed, but
here we really
      ;; want to pretend that M-x <cmd> RET is nothing more than a "key
      ;; binding" for <cmd>, so the command the user really wanted to run is
      ;; `function' and not `execute-extended-command'.  The difference is
      ;; visible in cases such as M-x <cmd> RET and then C-x z (bug#11506).
      (setq real-this-command function)
      (let ((prefix-arg prefixarg))
        (command-execute function 'record))
      ;; If enabled, show which key runs this command.
      ;; But first wait, and skip the message if there is input.
      (let* ((waited
              ;; If this command displayed something in the echo area;
              ;; wait a few seconds, then display our suggestion message.
              ;; FIXME: Wait *after* running post-command-hook!
              ;; FIXME: If execute-extended-command--shorter were
              ;; faster, we could compute the result here first too.
              (when (and suggest-key-bindings
                         (or binding
                             (and extended-command-suggest-shorter typed)))
                (sit-for (cond
                          ((zerop (length (current-message))) 0)
                          ((numberp suggest-key-bindings) suggest-key-bindings)
                          (t 2))))))
        (when (and waited (not (consp unread-command-events)))
          (unless (or (not extended-command-suggest-shorter)
                      binding executing-kbd-macro (not (symbolp function))
                      (<= (length (symbol-name function)) 2))
            ;; There's no binding for CMD.  Let's try and find the shortest
            ;; string to use in M-x.
            ;; FIXME: Can be slow.  Cache it maybe?
              (setq binding (execute-extended-command--shorter
                             (symbol-name function) typed))))
          (when binding
            ;; This is normally not necessary -- the timer should run
            ;; immediately, but be defensive and ensure that we never
            ;; have two of these timers in flight.
            (when execute-extended-command--binding-timer
              (cancel-timer execute-extended-command--binding-timer))
            (setq execute-extended-command--binding-timer
                   0 nil
                   (lambda ()
                         (format-message "You can run the command `%s' with %s"
                                         (if (stringp binding)
                                             (concat "M-x " binding " RET")
                                           (key-description binding)))
                       (sit-for (if (numberp suggest-key-bindings)

(provide 'demo-post-command-hook-slow-with-m-x-commands-v2)
;;; demo-post-command-hook-slow-with-m-x-commands-v2.el ends here


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