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bug#53518: 29.0.50; em-extpipe breaks input of sharp-quoted Lisp symbols

From: Jim Porter
Subject: bug#53518: 29.0.50; em-extpipe breaks input of sharp-quoted Lisp symbols
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2022 12:52:36 -0800

On 1/25/2022 12:01 PM, Sean Whitton wrote:
In addition to being consistent with how Eshell currently works, this
allows you to do things like "echo hi | less -N", where "less -N" is
evaluated as an Eshell command and then returns a pseudo-pipe for echo
to connect to.

It's not quite clear to me how this is consistent with how Eshell
currently works.  When you type "echo hi | cat" is it right to say that
"cat" is evaluated to produce the thing to which the output of the first
command is piped?  Perhaps I'm not thinking broadly enough.

In general, I just mean that when running a command "foo" (in a pipeline or not), if Eshell finds a Lisp function for "foo", it always calls that function. On the other hand, "#'foo" always evaluates to the function object itself.

So, since "cat" points to a Lisp function, your summary is pretty close, I'd say. However, I think I'd describe it as "cat is evaluated to hook up the pipeline into what the user meant". Currently, it works like so:

1. `eshell-parse-command' turns "echo hi | cat" into:
      (run-hooks 'eshell-pre-command-hook)
      (catch 'top-level
            '((eshell-named-command "echo" (list "hi"))
              (eshell-named-command "cat"))))))
      (run-hooks 'eshell-post-command-hook)))

2. Eshell iteratively evaluates that, eventually getting to to the "cat"

3. `eshell-named-command' looks for "cat" and calls the function

4. `eshell/cat' notices that it's being called in a pipeline and bails
   out, throwing `eshell-replace-command' to convert "cat" into
   "/bin/cat" (or wherever your cat program lives)

5. This gets reevaluated in `eshell-do-eval' and calls
   `eshell-external-command' for "/bin/cat"

6. This calls `eshell-gather-process-output', returning a process
   object with the pipes connected

That is, Eshell evaluates `eshell/cat' (which could do anything, really) with the ultimate goal of hooking up the pipeline. Currently that just means "call /bin/cat and connect pipes to the external process", but `eshell/cat' can do whatever it wants to achieve the result.

For the "pipe to a Lisp function" case, like "echo hi | #'upcase", what's actually happening under the hood in my patch it that "#'upcase" is evaluated, Eshell sees that the result is a function, and then the function is converted into a pseudo-pipe that gets properly hooked up to echo.

For a case like "echo hi | less -N", where "less" has a Lisp implementation, Eshell evaluates `(eshell/less "-N")', which could return a function that gets converted into a pseudo-pipe like above. Or (and this is how `eshell/less' will actually work), it returns its own pseudo-pipe that's hooked up properly; this case is analogous to `eshell-gather-process-output' returning a properly-connected process object.

The subtleties of Lisp functions in pipelines will probably be a bit easier to understand once I post patches, which should hopefully be this week or next. :) The patches work already, but I'm still implementing a few more pipeable Eshell commands in Lisp so that I can be sure the core implementation is flexible enough to be used for practical cases.

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