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bug#26028: 26.0.50; epatch for multifile patches

From: Lars Ingebrigtsen
Subject: bug#26028: 26.0.50; epatch for multifile patches
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2022 09:34:01 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/29.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Lars Ingebrigtsen <larsi@gnus.org> writes:

> Did you get any further here?

I forgot that the patch no longer applied.  I've respun it now, but
somewhat unsure of how the changes to ediff-fixup-patch-map should be
adjusted to the patch.

(domestic pets only, the antidote for overdose, milk.)
   bloggy blog: http://lars.ingebrigtsen.no
diff --git a/lisp/vc/ediff-ptch.el b/lisp/vc/ediff-ptch.el
index 17654f80ec..db39368397 100644
--- a/lisp/vc/ediff-ptch.el
+++ b/lisp/vc/ediff-ptch.el
@@ -217,10 +217,10 @@ ediff-map-patch-buffer
            ;;     (filename-from-1st-header-line . filename-from-2nd-line)
            (setq possible-file-names
                  (cons (if (and beg1 end1)
-                           (buffer-substring beg1 end1)
+                           (buffer-substring-no-properties beg1 end1)
                        (if (and beg2 end2)
-                           (buffer-substring beg2 end2)
+                           (buffer-substring-no-properties beg2 end2)
             ;; Remove file junk (Bug#26084).
             (while (re-search-backward
@@ -285,31 +285,42 @@ ediff-fixup-patch-map
                    (or (file-name-directory (cdr proposed-file-names))
-             ;; If both base-dir1 and base-dir2 are relative and exist,
-             ;; assume that
-             ;; these dirs lead to the actual files starting at the present
-             ;; directory. So, we don't strip these relative dirs from the
-             ;; file names. This is a heuristic intended to improve guessing
              (let ((default-directory (file-name-directory filename)))
-               (unless (or (file-name-absolute-p base-dir1)
-                           (file-name-absolute-p base-dir2))
-                 (if (and (file-exists-p base-dir1)
-                          (file-exists-p base-dir2))
-                     (setq base-dir1 ""
-                           base-dir2 "")
-                   ;; Strip possible source/destination prefixes
-                   ;; such as a/ and b/ from dir names.
-                   (save-match-data
-                     (let ((m1 (when (string-match "^[^/]+/" base-dir1)
-                                  (cons (substring base-dir1 0 (match-end 0))
-                                        (substring base-dir1 (match-end 0)))))
-                           (m2 (when (string-match "^[^/]+/" base-dir2)
-                                 (cons (substring base-dir2 0 (match-end 0))
-                                        (substring base-dir2 (match-end 0))))))
-                       (when (and (file-exists-p (cdr m1))
-                                  (file-exists-p (cdr m2)))
-                         (setq base-dir1 (car m1)
-                               base-dir2 (car m2))))))))
+                (cond
+                 (multi-patch-p
+                  ;; Git diffs appends 'a/' '/b' to the files.
+                  (if (and (string-match-p "\\`a/" base-dir1)
+                           (string-match-p "\\`b/" base-dir2))
+                      (setq base-dir1 "a/" base-dir2 "b/")
+                    (setq base-dir1 "" base-dir2 "")))
+                 (t
+                  ;; If both base-dir1 and base-dir2 are relative and
+                  ;; exist, assume that these dirs lead to the actual
+                  ;; files starting at the present directory. So, we
+                  ;; don't strip these relative dirs from the file
+                  ;; names. This is a heuristic intended to improve
+                  ;; guessing
+                 (unless (or (file-name-absolute-p base-dir1)
+                             (file-name-absolute-p base-dir2))
+                   (if (and (file-exists-p base-dir1)
+                            (file-exists-p base-dir2))
+                       (setq base-dir1 ""
+                             base-dir2 "")
+                     ;; Strip possible source/destination prefixes
+                     ;; such as a/ and b/ from dir names.
+                     (save-match-data
+                       (let ((m1
+                               (when (string-match "^[^/]+/" base-dir1)
+                                 (cons (substring base-dir1 0 (match-end 0))
+                                       (substring base-dir1 (match-end 0)))))
+                             (m2
+                               (when (string-match "^[^/]+/" base-dir2)
+                                (cons (substring base-dir2 0 (match-end 0))
+                                       (substring base-dir2 (match-end 0))))))
+                         (when (and (file-exists-p (cdr m1))
+                                    (file-exists-p (cdr m2)))
+                           (setq base-dir1 (car m1)
+                                 base-dir2 (car m2))))))))))
              (or (string= (car proposed-file-names) null-device)
                  (setcar proposed-file-names
diff --git a/lisp/vc/ediff.el b/lisp/vc/ediff.el
index 840ab8cf51..e7ee36eb10 100644
--- a/lisp/vc/ediff.el
+++ b/lisp/vc/ediff.el
@@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ ediff-version
 (require 'ediff-init)
 (require 'ediff-mult)  ; required because of the registry stuff
+(require 'diff-mode) ; diff-hunk-file-names
 (defgroup ediff nil
   "Comprehensive visual interface to `diff' and `patch'."
@@ -1412,6 +1413,7 @@ ediff-patch-default-directory
 (declare-function ediff-dispatch-file-patching-job "ediff-ptch"
                   (patch-buf filename &optional startup-hooks))
+(defvar ediff-patch-map)
 (defun ediff-patch-file (&optional arg patch-buf)
   "Query for a file name, and then run Ediff by patching that file.
@@ -1433,11 +1435,26 @@ ediff-patch-file
                              (buffer-file-name patch-buf))))
                           (t default-directory)))
-    (setq source-file
-         (read-file-name
-          "File to patch (directory, if multifile patch): "
-          ;; use an explicit initial file
-          source-dir nil nil (ediff-get-default-file-name)))
+    (let ((multi-patch-p (with-current-buffer patch-buf (cdr 
+      (cond ((not multi-patch-p)
+             (let* ((files (with-current-buffer patch-buf
+                             (diff-hunk-file-names 'old-first)))
+                    (def (if (and (string-match "\\`a/" (car files))
+                                  (string-match "\\`b/" (cadr files)))
+                             (expand-file-name
+                              (substring-no-properties (car files) 2)
+                              default-directory)
+                           (car files))))
+               (setq source-file
+                     (read-file-name
+                      "Single file to patch: "
+                      ;; use an explicit initial file
+                      source-dir nil 'mustmatch def))))
+            (t ; multi-patch
+             (setq source-file
+                   (read-file-name
+                    "Directory to patch, use root project dir: "
+                    source-dir)))))
     (ediff-dispatch-file-patching-job patch-buf source-file)))
 (declare-function ediff-patch-buffer-internal "ediff-ptch"
diff --git a/test/lisp/vc/ediff-ptch-tests.el b/test/lisp/vc/ediff-ptch-tests.el
index 935046198f..7f143fe139 100644
--- a/test/lisp/vc/ediff-ptch-tests.el
+++ b/test/lisp/vc/ediff-ptch-tests.el
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
 (require 'ert)
 (require 'ert-x)
 (require 'ediff-ptch)
+(require 'ediff-diff) ; For `ediff-diff-program'.
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl-lib))
 (ert-deftest ediff-ptch-test-bug25010 ()
   "Test for https://debbugs.gnu.org/25010 ."
@@ -118,6 +120,151 @@ ediff-ptch-test-bug26084
                             (insert-file-contents backup)
+(ert-deftest ediff-ptch-test-bug26028 ()
+  "Test for http://debbugs.gnu.org/26028 ."
+  (skip-unless (executable-find "git"))
+  (skip-unless (executable-find ediff-patch-program))
+  (skip-unless (executable-find ediff-diff-program))
+  (let ((git-program (executable-find "git"))
+        (default-dir default-directory)
+        tmpdir buffers)
+    ;;; Simple patch: old/src/hello.c /new/src/hello.c
+    (unwind-protect
+        (let* ((dir (make-temp-file "multipatch-test" t))
+               (file1 (expand-file-name "old/src/hello.c" dir))
+               (file2 (expand-file-name "new/src/hello.c" dir))
+               (patch (expand-file-name "tmp.patch" dir))
+               (default-directory (file-name-as-directory dir)))
+          (setq tmpdir dir)
+          (make-directory (expand-file-name "old/src/" dir) 'parents)
+          (make-directory (expand-file-name "new/src/" dir) 'parents)
+          (with-temp-buffer
+            (insert "void main() { }\n")
+            (write-region nil nil file1 nil 'silent)
+            (erase-buffer)
+            (insert "int main() { return 0; }\n")
+            (write-region nil nil file2 nil 'silent)
+            (erase-buffer)
+            (call-process ediff-diff-program nil t nil "-cr" "old" "new")
+            (write-region nil nil patch nil 'silent)
+            (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'y-or-n-p) (lambda (x) nil))
+                      ((symbol-function 'ediff-prompt-for-patch-file)
+                       (lambda (&rest x) (find-file-noselect patch)))
+                      ((symbol-function 'read-file-name) (lambda (x1 x2 x3 x4 
x5) x5))
+                      ((symbol-function 'ediff-dispatch-file-patching-job)
+                       (lambda (x y) y)))
+              (should (equal (file-relative-name file1) (epatch nil patch)))
+              (push (get-file-buffer patch) buffers))))
+      (when (file-exists-p tmpdir)
+        (setq default-directory default-dir)
+        (delete-directory tmpdir 'recursive))
+      (mapc (lambda (b)
+              (when (buffer-live-p b) (kill-buffer b)))
+            buffers)
+      (setq buffers nil))
+    ;;; Simple Git patch: proj/src/hello.c
+    (unwind-protect
+        (let* ((dir (make-temp-file "multipatch-test" t))
+               (rootdir (expand-file-name "proj/src/" dir))
+               (file (expand-file-name "hello.c" rootdir))
+               (patch (expand-file-name "tmp.patch" dir))
+               (default-directory (file-name-as-directory rootdir)))
+          (make-directory rootdir 'parents)
+          (setq tmpdir dir)
+          (with-temp-buffer
+            (insert "void main() { }\n")
+            (write-region nil nil file nil 'silent)
+            (call-process git-program nil nil nil "init")
+            (call-process git-program nil nil nil "add" ".")
+            (call-process git-program nil nil nil "commit" "-m" "test 
+            (erase-buffer)
+            (insert "int main() { return 0; }\n")
+            (write-region nil nil file nil 'silent)
+            (call-process git-program nil `(:file ,patch) nil "diff")
+            (call-process git-program nil nil nil "reset" "--hard" "head")
+            (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'y-or-n-p) (lambda (x) nil))
+                      ((symbol-function 'ediff-prompt-for-patch-file)
+                       (lambda (&rest x) (find-file-noselect patch)))
+                      ((symbol-function 'read-file-name) (lambda (&rest x) 
+                      ((symbol-function 'read-file-name) (lambda (x1 x2 x3 x4 
x5) x5))
+                      ((symbol-function 'ediff-dispatch-file-patching-job)
+                       (lambda (x y) y)))
+              (should (equal file (epatch nil patch)))))
+          (push (get-file-buffer patch) buffers))
+      ;; clean up
+      (when (file-exists-p tmpdir)
+        (setq default-directory default-dir)
+        (delete-directory tmpdir 'recursive))
+      (mapc (lambda (b)
+              (when (buffer-live-p b) (kill-buffer b)))
+            buffers)
+      (setq buffers nil))
+    ;;; Git multipatch.
+    (unwind-protect
+        (let* ((dir (make-temp-file "multipatch-test" t))
+               (file1 (expand-file-name "proj/src/hello.c" dir))
+               (file2 (expand-file-name "proj/src/bye.c" dir))
+               (file3 (expand-file-name "proj/lisp/foo.el" dir))
+               (file4 (expand-file-name "proj/lisp/bar.el" dir))
+               (file5 (expand-file-name "proj/etc/news" dir))
+               (patch (expand-file-name "tmp.patch" dir))
+               (default-directory (expand-file-name "proj" dir)))
+          (setq tmpdir dir)
+          (dolist (d '("src" "lisp" "etc"))
+            (setq rootdir (expand-file-name (concat "proj/" d) dir))
+            (make-directory rootdir 'parents))
+          (with-temp-buffer
+            (insert "void main() { }\n")
+            (write-region nil nil file1 nil 'silent)
+            (write-region nil nil file2 nil 'silent)
+            (erase-buffer)
+            (insert "(defun foo () nil)\n")
+            (write-region nil nil file3 nil 'silent)
+            (erase-buffer)
+            (insert "(defun bar () nil)\n")
+            (write-region nil nil file4 nil 'silent)
+            (erase-buffer)
+            (insert "new functions 'foo' and 'bar'\n")
+            (write-region nil nil file5 nil 'silent)
+            (call-process git-program nil nil nil "init")
+            (call-process git-program nil nil nil "add" "src" "lisp" "etc")
+            (call-process git-program nil nil nil "commit" "-m" "test 
+            (erase-buffer)
+            (insert "int main() { return 0;}\n")
+            (write-region nil nil file1 nil 'silent)
+            (write-region nil nil file2 nil 'silent)
+            (erase-buffer)
+            (insert "(defun qux () nil)\n")
+            (write-region nil nil file3 nil 'silent)
+            (erase-buffer)
+            (insert "(defun quux () nil)\n")
+            (write-region nil nil file4 nil 'silent)
+            (erase-buffer)
+            (insert "new functions 'qux' and 'quux'\n")
+            (write-region nil nil file5 nil 'silent)
+            (call-process git-program nil `(:file ,patch) nil "diff")
+            (call-process git-program nil nil nil "reset" "--hard" "head"))
+          (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'y-or-n-p) (lambda (x) nil))
+                    ((symbol-function 'ediff-get-patch-file) (lambda (&rest x) 
+                    ((symbol-function 'read-file-name) (lambda (&rest x) 
+            (epatch nil patch)
+            (with-current-buffer "*Ediff Session Group Panel*"
+              (push (get-file-buffer patch) buffers)
+              (should (= 5 (length (cdr ediff-meta-list))))
+              ;; don't ask confirmation to exit.
+              (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'y-or-n-p) (lambda (x) t)))
+                (ediff-quit-meta-buffer)))))
+      ;; clean up
+      (when (file-exists-p tmpdir)
+        (setq default-directory default-dir)
+        (delete-directory tmpdir 'recursive))
+      (when ediff-registry-buffer
+        (push ediff-registry-buffer buffers))
+      (mapc (lambda (b)
+              (when (buffer-live-p b) (kill-buffer b)))
+            buffers)
+      (setq buffers nil))))
 (provide 'ediff-ptch-tests)
 ;;; ediff-ptch-tests.el ends here

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