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bug#55322: 28.1; :base-uri not working for svg images on mac

From: Alan Third
Subject: bug#55322: 28.1; :base-uri not working for svg images on mac
Date: Mon, 9 May 2022 22:42:00 +0100

On Sun, May 08, 2022 at 03:16:02PM -0400, Howard Melman wrote:
> 6 7 (display (image :width 256 :height 256 :type svg :base-uri 
> "/Users/hmelman/.emacs.d/var/osm/default/9-255-170.png" :data "<svg 
> width='256' height='256' version='1.1'
> xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' xmlns:xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'>
> <image xlink:href='9-255-170.png' height='256' width='256'/>
> <g fill='#08f' stroke='#028' stroke-width='9' transform='translate(209 64) 
> scale(0.09) translate(-256 -512)'>
> <path d='M256 0C167.641 0 96 71.625 96 160c0 24.75 5.625 48.219 15.672
> 69.125C112.234 230.313 256 512 256 512l142.594-279.375
> C409.719 210.844 416 186.156 416 160C416 71.625 344.375
> 0 256 0z M256 256c-53.016 0-96-43-96-96s42.984-96 96-96
> c53 0 96 43 96 96S309 256 256 256z'/>
> </g></svg>"

The above image should be able to be replicated with something like
this below:

(insert-image (create-image "<svg width='256' height='256' version='1.1'        
xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' xmlns:xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'>
<image xlink:href='9-255-170.png' height='256' width='256'/>
<g fill='#08f' stroke='#028' stroke-width='9'
 transform='translate(209 64) scale(0.09) translate(-256 -512)'>
<path d='M256 0C167.641 0 96 71.625 96 160c0 24.75 5.625 48.219 15.672
 69.125C112.234 230.313 256 512 256 512l142.594-279.375
 C409.719 210.844 416 186.156 416 160C416 71.625 344.375
 0 256 0z M256 256c-53.016 0-96-43-96-96s42.984-96 96-96
 c53 0 96 43 96 96S309 256 256 256z'/></g></svg>"
                            'svg t :width 256 :height 256
:base-uri "/Users/hmelman/.emacs.d/var/osm/default/9-255-170.png"))

Try messing with the base-uri, perhaps try setting it to the
directory, or to foo.svg or something.

My first guess would be that if it's working on GNU/Linux but not
macOS is that there might be a difference in the version of librsvg.
The way Emacs handles SVG files on both is pretty much identical
afaik, so any difference is likely to be down to librsvg.

Alan Third

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