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bug#58073: 29.0.50; Uninstalled emacs sends startup messages to stderr

From: Jonas Bernoulli
Subject: bug#58073: 29.0.50; Uninstalled emacs sends startup messages to stderr
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2022 20:30:05 +0200

>> Due to reasons that aren't important here, I recently had to replace the
>> symlink with a wrapper script, and that resulted in these messages being
>> send to stderr.

I was very wrong about that not being important here.

Installing emacs using guix sets EMACSLOADPATH in a file that is sourced
by the shells startup file.  To me it looks like they are abusing this
variable; it makes it impossible to use an emacs that wasn't installed
using guix, without something to counter their modification.  I did that
with a wrapper script.

The value that is set somewhere in the shell's init files is something
like "/home/jonas/.guix-home/profile/share/emacs/site-lisp".  It doesn't
contain an empty element, which would "stand for the default value of
`load-path'", according to (info "(emacs)General Variables").

The side startup file is located inside this directory and contains

  (when (require 'guix-emacs nil t)
    (advice-add 'package-load-all-descriptors :after

The file "guix-emacs.el" is located in the same directory.  So the
purpose of setting EMACSLOADPATH seems to be to allow using `require' to
load that file.  This doesn't seem right to me, they could just as well
extend the load-path inside "site-lisp.el", or load their additional
init file using `load'.

To deal with the incomplete EMACSLOADPATH, as set in the shell
environment, they use a wrapper script named "emacs" and located on PATH:

  exec -a "$0" 

I am under the impression that they should stop setting EMACSLOADPATH
and should either invent their own variable to replace that or load
"guix-emacs.el" using simpler means as I suggested above.

What do you think?  I intend to raise the issue with the guix folks but
would first like to hear your opinion.

If I unset EMACSLOADPATH, then everything works as expected.

> Emacs has special support for running from the build tree, but in your
> case it somehow doesn't realize that.

As a side-note, the wrapper script that I previously used looked like

  exec -a "$0" "/home/jonas/src/emacs/emacs/src/emacs" "$@"

The build tree is at "/home/jonas/src/emacs/emacs"; I think the value I
set above is correct (correct me if I am wrong), so it seems that when
running from the build tree EMACSLOADPATH has to be unset; explicitly
doubling down on the defaults doesn't work.  I also tried with an empty

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