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bug#61940: 29.0.60; Occasional crash when moving point continously with

From: Simon Pugnet
Subject: bug#61940: 29.0.60; Occasional crash when moving point continously with visual line numbers
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2023 14:37:40 +0000

Simon Pugnet <simon@polaris64.net> writes:

Po Lu <luangruo@yahoo.com> writes:

Simon Pugnet <simon@polaris64.net> writes:

So to summarise, I am getting these issues in Emacs while IBus is
being used as my input method. The IBus crash seems to cause Emacs
hang. Once IBus is no longer running Emacs appears to run normally
again. So it looks like this might be an IBus issue rather than an
Emacs issue, but that's just my best guess from the above.

Please report this to the I-Bus developers.  As for the Xlib
complain to Fujitsu, who wrote the present XIM implementation in

To not use XIM, place:

  Emacs.useXIM: false

in your ~/.Xresources or ~/.Xdefaults, and do the usual thing with
to install the resources.

Thanks, I've just reported this (see
https://github.com/ibus/ibus/issues/2484). I'll be sure to follow
those instructions too if I still get issues with XIM.

I've actually removed IBus now as it's not really relevant to me any
more, so I'm hoping that will resolve the issue. I'll keep a close eye
on things for the rest of the day and I'll report back to confirm.

Just to follow up, I haven't noticed any jumbled inputs or Emacs hangs since removing IBus so I'm pretty confident that this was the cause. In that case feel free to close this bug if you also agree.

Kind regards,

Simon Pugnet

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