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bug#61667: 29.0.60; Failure to redisplay

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: bug#61667: 29.0.60; Failure to redisplay
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2023 23:53:45 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.7.1

On 12/03/2023 14:19, Po Lu via Bug reports for GNU Emacs, the Swiss army knife of text editors wrote:
Dmitry Gutov<dgutov@yandex.ru>  writes:

Thanks. When trying to run a separate Xorg, at first it failed with no
access to some tty, and then (with sudo) brought down my existing
Xorg. 😂

But when I rebooted, Xfce suddenly started working without extra help.

I've tried several dozens of times and couldn't reproduce the problem
in it. All I can add about that is two things:

1. It has some broken handling of scaling. When set to 1, most things
(but not all, e.g. not the titlebar buttons, I think) have the same
size as I have in GNOME at 2x scaling. And when I set scaling to 2,
everything becomes tiny.

2. Emacs starts up faster than under WindowMaker or E, but still a
little slower than under GNOME. The startup looks a little different,
too: if you have some of my older videos saved, you can see it
blinking with the scrollbar. Under Xfce, OTOH, I can't see that
blinking, and overall the startup looks something like additionally
buffered: less jittery, but a tiny bit slower as a result.
Different window managers behave differently upon first managing a
window, so I'm not too surprised by these differences.

I'm out of ideas here, but everything so far points at this being a
GNOME bug.  Which I can't reproduce, likely due to the difference in
display and graphics hardware between my system and yours.

Whatever the reasons is, it could affect later frame flipping as well.
I doubt this, since by the time the initial window configuration
finishes, Emacs should be in the same state under any window manager.

I'm sorry I couldn't help.

All right, thanks for trying.

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