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bug#66567: [PATCH] use-package: Add ignored-files support to :vc keyword

From: Tony Zorman
Subject: bug#66567: [PATCH] use-package: Add ignored-files support to :vc keyword
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2023 15:36:58 +0100

On Wed, Nov 01 2023 12:48, Philip Kaludercic wrote:
> Tony Zorman <tonyzorman@mailbox.org> writes:
>> On Wed, Nov 01 2023 09:09, Philip Kaludercic wrote:
>>>> diff --git a/lisp/use-package/use-package-core.el 
>>>> b/lisp/use-package/use-package-core.el
>>>> index 34c45b7aec..5d0d554baf 100644
>>>> --- a/lisp/use-package/use-package-core.el
>>>> +++ b/lisp/use-package/use-package-core.el
>>>> @@ -1654,7 +1654,8 @@ use-package-normalize--vc-arg
>>>>                               (t (ensure-string v))))
>>>>                   (:vc-backend (ensure-symbol v))
>>>>                   (_ (ensure-string v)))))
>>>> -    (pcase-let ((valid-kws '(:url :branch :lisp-dir :main-file 
>>>> :vc-backend :rev))
>>>> +    (pcase-let ((valid-kws '( :url :branch :lisp-dir :main-file 
>>>> :vc-backend :rev
>>>> +                              :shell-command :make))
>>> Why is use-package checking for valid keywords in the first place?
>> Better error messages, mostly. Especially people switching from
>> quelpa/straight/vc-use-package might be surprised that :vc is not a
>> drop-in replacement for those packages. I feel like alerting them to
>> this fact sooner rather than later makes for a better experience.
> IIUC this would raise an error when an unknown keyword is encountered,
> right?

Yes, a declaration like

    (use-package foo
      :vc (:url "url" :blargh "123"))

would result in the following message

    ⛔ Error (use-package): Failed to parse package foo: use-package: Keyword 
:vc received unknown argument: :blargh. Supported keywords are: (:url :branch 
:lisp-dir :main-file :vc-backend :rev :shell-command :make :ignored-files)

Things get a bit muddier if ':blargh' would be passed down to

Now that you mention it, I noticed a tiny mistake (resulting in a worse
error message!) in the second of the original patches. I've attached a
corrected version.

>>>> I will cheekily bump this, and also Cc. Philip as the most likely
>>>> reviewer.
>>> I don't use use-package nor am I familiar with the code base, so I
>>> wouldn't value my input that much.
>> Oh, fair enough. In either case, I couldn't think of anyone else—sorry
>> for the noise :)
> I think that Stefan Kangas would probably be the best to ask, since he
> was the one responsible for merging use-package into the core.

Thanks! I have Cc'd Stefan, hoping to not come across as too pushy :)


>From f8590d37b29a96a7984d8acae2d6c2b557e0dc59 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tony Zorman <soliditsallgood@mailbox.org>
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2023 16:51:00 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] use-package: Add :ignored-files support to :vc keyword

* lisp/use-package/use-package-core.el (use-package-split-when):
New utility function to split a list whenever a specified predicate
returns t.
(use-package-vc-valid-keywords): A new defconst to gather all allowed
(use-package-normalize--vc-arg): Properly normalize the :ignored-files
keyword, in that the following are all valid ways of entering files:
  :ignored-files "a"
  :ignored-files ("a")
  :ignored-files "a" "b" "c"
  :ignored-files ("a" "b" "c")
(use-package-normalize/:vc): Adjust normalization, now that we do not
necessarily receive a valid plist as an input.

* test/lisp/use-package/use-package-tests.el (use-package-test-normalize/:vc):
Add tests for :ignored-files keyword.
 lisp/use-package/use-package-core.el       | 60 ++++++++++++++++------
 test/lisp/use-package/use-package-tests.el | 10 +++-
 2 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/use-package/use-package-core.el 
index 5d0d554baf..974059a850 100644
--- a/lisp/use-package/use-package-core.el
+++ b/lisp/use-package/use-package-core.el
@@ -521,6 +521,24 @@ use-package-split-list-at-keys
        (let ((xs (use-package-split-list (apply-partially #'eq key) lst)))
          (cons (car xs) (use-package-split-list-at-keys key (cddr xs))))))
+(defun use-package-split-when (pred xs)
+  "Repeatedly split a list according to PRED.
+Split XS every time PRED returns t.  Keep the delimiters, and
+arrange the result in an alist.  For example:
+  (use-package-split-when #\\='keywordp \\='(:a 1 :b 2 3 4 :c 5))
+  ;; => \\='((:a 1) (:b 2 3 4) (:c 5))
+  (use-package-split-when (lambda (x) (> x 2)) \\='(10 1 3 2 4 -1 8 9))
+  ;; => \\='((10 1) (3 2) (4 -1) (8) (9))"
+  (unless (seq-empty-p xs)
+    (pcase-let* ((`(,first . ,rest) (if (funcall pred (car xs))
+                                        (cons (car xs) (cdr xs))
+                                      (use-package-split-list pred xs)))
+                 (`(,val . ,recur) (use-package-split-list pred rest)))
+      (cons (cons first val)
+            (use-package-split-when pred recur)))))
 ;;; Keywords
@@ -1634,6 +1652,12 @@ use-package-handler/:vc
       (push `(use-package-vc-install ',arg ,local-path) body))   ; runtime
+(defconst use-package-vc-valid-keywords
+  '( :url :branch :lisp-dir :main-file :vc-backend :rev
+     :shell-command :make :ignored-files)
+  "Valid keywords for the `:vc' keyword, see the Info
+node `(emacs)Fetching Package Sources'.")
 (defun use-package-normalize--vc-arg (arg)
   "Normalize possible arguments to the `:vc' keyword.
 ARG is a cons-cell of approximately the form that
@@ -1653,24 +1677,26 @@ use-package-normalize--vc-arg
                              ((eq v :newest) nil)
                              (t (ensure-string v))))
                  (:vc-backend (ensure-symbol v))
+                 (:ignored-files (if (listp v) v (list v)))
                  (_ (ensure-string v)))))
-    (pcase-let ((valid-kws '( :url :branch :lisp-dir :main-file :vc-backend 
-                              :shell-command :make))
-                (`(,name . ,opts) arg))
+    (pcase-let* ((`(,name . ,opts) arg))
       (if (stringp opts)                ; (NAME . VERSION-STRING) ?
           (list name opts)
-        ;; Error handling
-        (cl-loop for (k _) on opts by #'cddr
-                 if (not (member k valid-kws))
-                 do (use-package-error
-                     (format "Keyword :vc received unknown argument: %s. 
Supported keywords are: %s"
-                             k valid-kws)))
-        ;; Actual normalization
-        (list name
-              (cl-loop for (k v) on opts by #'cddr
-                       if (not (eq k :rev))
-                       nconc (list k (normalize k v)))
-              (normalize :rev (plist-get opts :rev)))))))
+        (let ((opts (use-package-split-when
+                     (lambda (el) (and (keywordp el) (not (equal :newest el))))
+                     opts)))
+          ;; Error handling
+          (cl-loop for (k . _) in opts
+                   if (not (member k use-package-vc-valid-keywords))
+                   do (use-package-error
+                       (format "Keyword :vc received unknown argument: %s. 
Supported keywords are: %s"
+                               k use-package-vc-valid-keywords)))
+          ;; Actual normalization
+          (list name
+                (cl-loop for (k . v) in opts
+                         if (not (eq k :rev))
+                         nconc (list k (normalize k (if (length= v 1) (car v) 
+                (normalize :rev (car (alist-get :rev opts)))))))))
 (defun use-package-normalize/:vc (name _keyword args)
   "Normalize possible arguments to the `:vc' keyword.
@@ -1686,9 +1712,9 @@ use-package-normalize/:vc
       ((or 'nil 't) (list name))                 ; guess name
       ((pred symbolp) (list arg))                ; use this name
       ((pred stringp) (list name arg))           ; version string + guess name
-      ((pred plistp)                             ; plist + guess name
+      (`(,(pred keywordp) . ,(pred listp))       ; list + guess name
        (use-package-normalize--vc-arg (cons name arg)))
-      (`(,(pred symbolp) . ,(or (pred plistp)    ; plist/version string + name
+      (`(,(pred symbolp) . ,(or (pred listp)     ; list/version string + name
                                 (pred stringp)))
        (use-package-normalize--vc-arg arg))
       (_ (use-package-error "Unrecognised argument to :vc.\
diff --git a/test/lisp/use-package/use-package-tests.el 
index 9181a8171a..5636ba8a4f 100644
--- a/test/lisp/use-package/use-package-tests.el
+++ b/test/lisp/use-package/use-package-tests.el
@@ -2014,7 +2014,15 @@ use-package-test-normalize/:vc
   (should (equal '(foo)
                  (use-package-normalize/:vc 'foo :vc nil)))
   (should (equal '(bar)
-                 (use-package-normalize/:vc 'foo :vc '(bar)))))
+                 (use-package-normalize/:vc 'foo :vc '(bar))))
+  (should (equal
+           '(foo (:ignored-files ("a" "b" "c")) :last-release)
+           (use-package-normalize/:vc 'foo :vc '((:ignored-files "a" "b" 
+  (should (equal
+           (use-package-normalize/:vc 'foo :vc '((:ignored-files "a")))
+           (use-package-normalize/:vc 'foo :vc '((:ignored-files ("a"))))))
+  (should (equal (use-package-normalize/:vc 'foo :vc '((:ignored-files "a" "b" 
+                 (use-package-normalize/:vc 'foo :vc '((:ignored-files ("a" 
"b" "c")))))))
 ;; Local Variables:
 ;; no-byte-compile: t

Tony Zorman | https://tony-zorman.com/

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