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bug#47711: bug#48841: bug#47711: bug#48841: bug#47711: [PATCH VERSION 2]

From: João Távora
Subject: bug#47711: bug#48841: bug#47711: bug#48841: bug#47711: [PATCH VERSION 2] Add new `completion-filter-completions` API and deferred highlighting
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2023 15:24:05 +0000

On Thu, Nov 2, 2023 at 2:40 PM Dmitry Gutov <dmitry@gutov.dev> wrote:

> IOW, this whole approach results in stricter matching with fewer
> results, so a smarter sort isn't that necessary.

Just curious, so in orderless, what do I type to quickly select
M-x vc-diff or M-x vc-version-diff or M-x vc-ediff?

In flex I just type "vcdiff" and these results normally bubble to the top.

> > I addressed all your docstring suggestions, fixed a bug and significantly
> > simplified the code in the latest version of the patch.  I also
> > removed the instrumentation in icomplete.el.  Patch attached here
> > and pushed to feature/completion-lazy-hilit.
> Thank you. I don't see that the bug was, but deferring the scoring even
> in the eager highlighting case looks sensible (why not, indeed, if the
> performance is no worse).

The bug was in the eager highlighting case.  Wasn't sorting at all.


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