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bug#47711: bug#48841: bug#47711: bug#48841: bug#47711: [PATCH VERSION 2]

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: bug#47711: bug#48841: bug#47711: bug#48841: bug#47711: [PATCH VERSION 2] Add new `completion-filter-completions` API and deferred highlighting
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2023 18:03:49 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.13.0

On 02/11/2023 17:58, João Távora wrote:
On Thu, Nov 2, 2023 at 3:36 PM Dmitry Gutov <dmitry@gutov.dev> wrote:

On 02/11/2023 17:24, João Távora wrote:
On Thu, Nov 2, 2023 at 2:40 PM Dmitry Gutov<dmitry@gutov.dev>  wrote:

IOW, this whole approach results in stricter matching with fewer
results, so a smarter sort isn't that necessary.
Just curious, so in orderless, what do I type to quickly select
M-x vc-diff or M-x vc-version-diff or M-x vc-ediff?

In flex I just type "vcdiff" and these results normally bubble to the top.

I'm not really a user of it (yet?), but

"vc-dif" or "vc dif" matches the first one, and "vc-ver" or "vc vers"
matches the second one.

So "vc dif" doesn't also match 'vc-ediff' and 'vc-version-diff'?

It does, of course. I just described what I imagine is the more common scenario: continue typing until the command you want is at the top, so you don't have to reach for C-n/C-p or the arrow keys.

Not a lot of difference in the amount of typing,
but a little more control on the part of the user.

That's debatable, I like to be able to type 'vcdiff' and
see all the commands that vc.el offers for diffing things.

That also works for Orderless and "vc dif".

And from that you can continue to "vc dif ver", which brings "vc-version-diff" to the top, that's something unique to Orderless, I suppose.

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