> From: Allen Li <darkfeline@felesatra.moe>
> Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2023 03:43:35 -0700
> Cc: 66903@debbugs.gnu.org
> Currently, `cd ~//bin` will cause the shell (Bash or similar) to change to ~/bin, and Emacs/shell-mode
> will change `default-directory` to `/bin`.
> This bug is saying that Emacs/shell-mode should change `default-directory` to `~/bin` by default,
I think it should change default-directory to the directory to which
the shell switches, not necessarily ~/bin.
That sounds different from what you're implying in your other emails. Using sentences here is confusing.
The current behavior is:
Case 1
input: ~//bin
shell: ~/bin
default-directory: /bin
I'm suggesting
Case 2
input: ~//bin
shell: ~/bin
default-directory: ~/bin
When you say "I think it should change default-directory to the directory to which
the shell switches, not necessarily ~/bin.", that implies to me Case 2
But your other emails suggest that you want:
Case 3
input: ~//bin (Emacs rewrites to /bin before sending to shell)
shell: /bin
default-directory: /bin
Assuming that you want Case 3, I think that is horrible for multiple reasons. Firstly, a user would expect their shell to behave as in Case 2; Case 3 is a surprising and semantically different rewrite of user input. Furthermore, we would either have to rewrite all paths not just paths to `cd`, which would be infeasible and error-prone, or surprise the user again that Emacs is rewriting paths to `cd` specifically, but not, say, `rm` or `mv` or many other commands (e.g., `mv ~//bin ~//lib`). Furthermore, the only shell input rewriting that Emacs currently does is for history substitutions, and the syntax for this is identical to common shells; therefore, users can expect that Emacs does not do any surprising semantic rewrites of their shell input. Case 3 would be violating this expectation.
For completeness, there is also
Case 4
input: ~//bin
shell: /bin (normal shell behavior)
default-directory: /bin
However, I am aware of zero shells in common use that behave like Case 4. Even if we consider it, it should not be the default.
Also for completeness, there is a nuclear solution option, which is to replace all of the cd, pushd, popd logic that shell-mode currently implements and always run M-x dirs after every cd, pushd, popd command. This naturally results in the behavior of Case 2, but also supports Case 4 for hypothetical shells that have said behavior.