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bug#66993: [PATCH] project.el: avoid asking user about project-list-file

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: bug#66993: [PATCH] project.el: avoid asking user about project-list-file lock
Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2023 15:50:34 +0200

> Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2023 15:26:11 +0200
> Cc: 66993@debbugs.gnu.org
> From: Dmitry Gutov <dmitry@gutov.dev>
> On 08/11/2023 14:22, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
> >> From: Spencer Baugh<sbaugh@janestreet.com>
> >> Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2023 16:28:04 -0500
> >>
> >> There are several features which will cause Emacs to frequently call
> >> project-current, and therefore call project-remember-project, and
> >> therefore sometimes call project--write-project-list whenever a new
> >> project is seen.
> > Why does project-current immediately writes the list to the file?  Why
> > cannot it keep the information in memory and write it only when the
> > session ends, or at some random rare opportunity?
> It could indeed be written from kill-emacs-hook, or just the next time 
> an opportunity presents.
> With the latter approach, though, it would be handier if the 
> lock-prompter signaled a specific error we could catch to reschedule saving.

Why do you need an error when you can use file-locked-p to check up
front that the file is locked?

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