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bug#66998: 29.1; Regression for recursive keyboard macros + minibuffers

From: Morgon Kanter
Subject: bug#66998: 29.1; Regression for recursive keyboard macros + minibuffers in (I think) Emacs 28
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2023 13:41:26 -0500

Hi Alan,

tl;dr: you're right, not a bug, just user error :-)

Trying this one more time, I rediscovered how to turn on "plain text
mode". So I hope this one doesn't get garbled HTML.

First, this was the original code that got garbled. It should be
visible in the mailing list archive in a web browser. Pasted again

> (defun config:macro-query (arg)
>   "Prompt for input using minibuffer during kbd macro execution.
> With prefix argument, allows you to select what prompt string to use.
> If the input is non-empty, it is inserted at point."
>   (interactive "P")
>   (let* ((prompt (if arg (read-from-minibuffer "PROMPT: ") "Input: "))
>          (input (minibuffer-with-setup-hook (lambda () (kbd-macro-query t))
>                   (read-from-minibuffer prompt))))

Your intuition was totally right. This isn't really a bug, and
probably not a regression in behavior either. Use of C-M-c to exit the
recursive edit before the minibuffer works as expected. The only
"problem" is that you need to press C-M-c to terminate the minibuffer,
rather than RET. That's a bit awkward and weird, but it's livable. I
could probably temporarily rebind RET to make it more ergonomic. But
the truth is that from Emacs's perspective this isn't even something
that *should* be fixed -- you *should* be exiting the recursive edit
before you exit the minibuffer, in that order!

So this, at least, is WAI and this bug should be closed.

> So I think the error message "Not in most nested command loop" is
> correct, even if its not very clear in this context.
> What are you actually trying to achieve in your real Lisp code with this
> recursive edit?  At first acquaintance, it looks rather unusual.

What I am trying to achieve is the ability to prompt the user as part
of a keyboard macro, and receive input which the macro will then do
something with. Importantly, this input could be different every time
the keyboard macro is run. Ordinarily if you were to prompt the user
for input, all those actions would be considered part of the keyboard
macro and simply re-run every time. So you need to invoke the
recursive edit to make it work.

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