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bug#66993: [PATCH] project.el: avoid asking user about project-list-file

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: bug#66993: [PATCH] project.el: avoid asking user about project-list-file lock
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2023 21:46:53 +0200

> From: Spencer Baugh <sbaugh@janestreet.com>
> Cc: dmitry@gutov.dev,  66993@debbugs.gnu.org
> Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2023 13:01:09 -0500
> Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> writes:
> > Please show the result of this change on what Emacs prints in batch
> > mode when this error is signaled.
> Before:
> $ ./src/emacs -Q --batch --eval '(write-region "foo" nil "~/file")'
> /home/sbaugh/file locked by sbaugh@igm-qw... (pid 3781848): (s, q, p, ?)? 
> Error: error ("Cannot resolve lock conflict in batch mode")
>   mapbacktrace(#f(compiled-function (evald func args flags) #<bytecode 
> 0x957865a77aef0ee>))
>   debug-early-backtrace()
>   debug-early(error (error "Cannot resolve lock conflict in batch mode"))
>   signal(error ("Cannot resolve lock conflict in batch mode"))
>   error("Cannot resolve lock conflict in batch mode")
>   ask-user-about-lock("/home/sbaugh/file" "sbaugh@igm-qws-u22796a (pid 
> 3781848)")
>   write-region("foo" nil "~/file")
>   eval((write-region "foo" nil "~/file") t)
>   command-line-1(("--eval" "(write-region \"foo\" nil \"~/file\")"))
>   command-line()
>   normal-top-level()
> Cannot resolve lock conflict in batch mode
> After:
> $ ./src/emacs -Q --batch --eval '(write-region "foo" nil "~/file")'
> /home/sbaugh/file locked by sbaugh@igm-qw... (pid 3781848): (s, q, p, ?)? 
> Error: file-locked ("/home/sbaugh/file" "sbaugh@igm-qws-u22796a (pid 
> 3781848)")
>   mapbacktrace(#f(compiled-function (evald func args flags) #<bytecode 
> 0x179d0e5a77aef0e7>))
>   debug-early-backtrace()
>   debug-early(error (file-locked "/home/sbaugh/file" "sbaugh@igm-qws-u22796a 
> (pid 3781848)"))
>   signal(file-locked ("/home/sbaugh/file" "sbaugh@igm-qws-u22796a (pid 
> 3781848)"))
>   ask-user-about-lock("/home/sbaugh/file" "sbaugh@igm-qws-u22796a (pid 
> 3781848)")
>   write-region("foo" nil "~/file")
>   eval((write-region "foo" nil "~/file") t)
>   command-line-1(("--eval" "(write-region \"foo\" nil \"~/file\")"))
>   command-line()
>   normal-top-level()
> /home/sbaugh/file: sbaugh@igm-qws-u22796a (pid 3781848)

Thanks, that's what I thought: this loses information.  The "Cannot
resolve lock conflict in batch mode" part is important, since it
explains the "file-locked" part.  So please include the missing text
in the list passed to 'signal' as its DATA argument, so as not to lose
this explanation.

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