The first item is an extension of "keyword" feature. I've added "is not" and "not in" to the `python--treesit-keywords` list.
"missing assignment expressions" is extension of "assignment" feature.
I've added two tree-sitter queries.
For example: `var = 3` - var was fontified with `font-lock-variable-name-face`, but in the _expression_ `var *= 3` - var wasn't fontified as variable.
From: Denis Zubarev <>
Cc: "" <>
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2023 13:52:45 +0300
My only comment is that we should decide in which fontification
level(s) should the additional fontifications be.
I didn't add any new features, just tweak the old ones to be more correct.
I thought at least some of these are new:
> - Fontify compound keywords "not in" and "is not" (fixes bug#67015)
> - Fix fontification of strings inside of f-strings interpolation,
> e.g. for f"beg {'nested'}" - 'nested' was not fontified as string.
> - Do not override the face of builtin functions (all, bytes etc.) with
> the function call face
> - Add missing assignment expressions
> - Fontify built-ins (dict,list,etc.) as types when they are used in type hints
For example, isn't the first item an addition? And what about
"missing assignment expressions"?
What problems with CI did you see? I don't think I understand your
last sentence above.
I've grepped the codebase and found those lines:
TREE-SITTER-FILES ?= $(shell cd .. ; \
find lisp src \( -name "*-ts-mode-tests.el" -o -name "treesit-tests.el" \) | \
sort | sed s/\\.el/.log/)
in test/infra/
I thought that tree-sitter tests should go to either *-ts-mode-tests.el or treesit-tests.el files.
No, I don't think so. If having them in python-tests.el triggers some
problems, please show them, and let's take it from there.
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Yes, please.
Thanks, form sent off-list.