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bug#67145: Modes in vc-deduce-backend

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: bug#67145: Modes in vc-deduce-backend
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2023 16:11:34 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.13.0

On 13/11/2023 09:07, Juri Linkov wrote:
Here is a patch that avoids hard-coding the modes in vc-deduce-backend.
For example, it makes possible to replace shell-mode with comint-mode, etc.

Look good, although it would be great to find a more meaningful name: what kind of modes exactly should be in that list. Non-file-visiting?

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