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bug#67152: [PATCH] Fix flymake integration in lua-ts-mode

From: João Távora
Subject: bug#67152: [PATCH] Fix flymake integration in lua-ts-mode
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2023 12:24:08 +0000

Just a note that in the recent patch you provided, (match-string 3)
isn't being used.  If is is a useful "end column" identifier, you
might want to call flymake-diag-region again to get the the
corresponding buffer position.

flymake-diag-region could see some docstring improvements.
It gets a line and optionally a column, whidh defines a
single point.  It then tries to guess a region, because it's
impossible to form a region from just a point.

The guess is based on thing-at-point. This guess _may_ be worse
than whatever the backend supplied in (match-string 3) so passing
that number to flymake-diag-region again to obtain a second point
may be a good idea to compose the two buffer positions to give
to flymake-make-diagnostic.


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