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bug#66993: [PATCH] project.el: avoid asking user about project-list-file

From: Spencer Baugh
Subject: bug#66993: [PATCH] project.el: avoid asking user about project-list-file lock
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2023 15:49:11 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Spencer Baugh <sbaugh@janestreet.com> writes:
> Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> writes:
>>> Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2023 13:33:29 +0200
>>> Cc: sbaugh@janestreet.com, 66993@debbugs.gnu.org
>>> From: Dmitry Gutov <dmitry@gutov.dev>
>>> On 09/11/2023 13:27, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
>>> >> Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2023 13:05:09 +0200
>>> >> Cc: sbaugh@janestreet.com, 66993@debbugs.gnu.org
>>> >> From: Dmitry Gutov <dmitry@gutov.dev>
>>> >>
>>> >> And what happens after the restart? The list needs to be recovered.
>>> > 
>>> > Why does it need to be recovered?  Isn't it built on-the-fly anyway?
>>> > Is this just some kind of optimization?
>>> If we didn't need to read it after restart, there would be no point in 
>>> writing the list to disk.
>>> > I guess I don't understand well enough why this file exists and how it
>>> > is used?
>>> Same reason as for savehist-file.
>> It's a history of projects in the last session?  Then it's one more
>> reason to write the file only at exit, I guess?
> This comparison to savehist-file actually makes me think: Why don't we
> just make project--list into a history variable, and persist it like
> savehist?
> It would already be quite nice to have a history variable
> project-history for project-prompter, I've been thinking about
> implementing that.  It would be convenient for:
> - switching repeatedly between two projects
> - running a project command accidentally outside a project and wanting
> to run it in the most recently used project.
> But then, if we have project-history, could the project file just be a
> persisted project-history?
> If we had this model, project-remember-project would be basically
> (push project 'project-history)
> project-forget-zombie-projects would naturally not be needed, because
> any zombie projects wouldn't be visited as part of the project-history,
> and so if the history was limited in size, they'd eventually just drop
> off the end.
> project-switch-project would prompt for anything on project-history.
> I think it simplifies things quite a lot!

Here's a patch which implements this.  It drops compatibility with the
existing project-file, just to demonstrate the simplicity of this

project--list is the new history variable.  Using it is mostly trivial;
a small bit of work is necessary in project-prompt-project-name to get
project-names for the history, but that worked out great.  Everything
else just seems to work.

And with savehist-mode enabled, project--list just gets stored
automatically without any code in project.el.

I can implement a backwards-compatible version if this seems like a
reasonable direction to go in.

>From 86714ac9c82967e9d93e32d9bd172311fc4aed00 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Spencer Baugh <sbaugh@janestreet.com>
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2023 15:44:03 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Incompatibly change project--list to be a project history

With savehist-mode enabled, this Just Works.
 lisp/progmodes/project.el | 114 +++++++++++---------------------------
 1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/progmodes/project.el b/lisp/progmodes/project.el
index 95db9d0ef4c..59404e5729d 100644
--- a/lisp/progmodes/project.el
+++ b/lisp/progmodes/project.el
@@ -1671,70 +1671,16 @@ project-kill-buffers
 ;;; Project list
-(defcustom project-list-file (locate-user-emacs-file "projects")
-  "File in which to save the list of known projects."
-  :type 'file
-  :version "28.1"
-  :group 'project)
-(defvar project--list 'unset
-  "List structure containing root directories of known projects.
-With some possible metadata (to be decided).")
-(defun project--read-project-list ()
-  "Initialize `project--list' using contents of `project-list-file'."
-  (let ((filename project-list-file))
-    (setq project--list
-          (when (file-exists-p filename)
-            (with-temp-buffer
-              (insert-file-contents filename)
-              (mapcar
-               (lambda (elem)
-                 (let ((name (car elem)))
-                   (list (if (file-remote-p name) name
-                           (abbreviate-file-name name)))))
-               (read (current-buffer))))))
-    (unless (seq-every-p
-             (lambda (elt) (stringp (car-safe elt)))
-             project--list)
-      (warn "Contents of %s are in wrong format, resetting"
-            project-list-file)
-      (setq project--list nil))))
-(defun project--ensure-read-project-list ()
-  "Initialize `project--list' if it isn't already initialized."
-  (when (eq project--list 'unset)
-    (project--read-project-list)))
-(defun project--write-project-list ()
-  "Save `project--list' in `project-list-file'."
-  (let ((filename project-list-file))
-    (with-temp-buffer
-      (insert ";;; -*- lisp-data -*-\n")
-      (let ((print-length nil)
-            (print-level nil))
-        (pp (mapcar (lambda (elem)
-                      (let ((name (car elem)))
-                        (list (if (file-remote-p name) name
-                                (expand-file-name name)))))
-                    project--list)
-            (current-buffer)))
-      (write-region nil nil filename nil 'silent))))
+(defvar project--list nil
+  "List of root directories of recently-accessed projects.")
-(defun project-remember-project (pr &optional no-write)
-  "Add project PR to the front of the project list.
-Save the result in `project-list-file' if the list of projects
-has changed, and NO-WRITE is nil."
-  (project--ensure-read-project-list)
+(defun project-remember-project (pr &optional _no-write)
+  "Add project PR to the front of the project list."
   (let ((dir (abbreviate-file-name (project-root pr))))
-    (unless (equal (caar project--list) dir)
-      (dolist (ent project--list)
-        (when (equal dir (car ent))
-          (setq project--list (delq ent project--list))))
-      (push (list dir) project--list)
-      (unless no-write
-        (project--write-project-list)))))
+    (unless (equal (car project--list) dir)
+      (setq project--list (delq dir project--list))
+      (push dir project--list))))
 (defun project--remove-from-project-list (project-root report-message)
   "Remove directory PROJECT-ROOT of a missing project from the project list.
@@ -1742,11 +1688,9 @@ project--remove-from-project-list
 result in `project-list-file'.  Announce the project's removal
 from the list using REPORT-MESSAGE, which is a format string
 passed to `message' as its first argument."
-  (project--ensure-read-project-list)
-  (when-let ((ent (assoc (abbreviate-file-name project-root) project--list)))
-    (setq project--list (delq ent project--list))
-    (message report-message project-root)
-    (project--write-project-list)))
+  (let ((dir (abbreviate-file-name project-root)))
+    (setq project--list (delq dir project--list))
+    (message report-message project-root)))
 (defun project-forget-project (project-root)
@@ -1762,7 +1706,6 @@ project-prompt-project-dir
 The project is chosen among projects known from the project list,
 see `project-list-file'.
 It's also possible to enter an arbitrary directory not in the list."
-  (project--ensure-read-project-list)
   (let* ((dir-choice "... (choose a dir)")
           ;; XXX: Just using this for the category (for the substring
@@ -1772,43 +1715,55 @@ project-prompt-project-dir
          (pr-dir ""))
     (while (equal pr-dir "")
       ;; If the user simply pressed RET, do this again until they don't.
-      (setq pr-dir (completing-read "Select project: " choices nil t)))
+      (setq pr-dir (completing-read "Select project: " choices nil t nil 
     (if (equal pr-dir dir-choice)
         (read-directory-name "Select directory: " default-directory nil t)
+(defvar project--name-history)
 (defun project-prompt-project-name ()
   "Prompt the user for a project, by name, that is one of the known project 
 The project is chosen among projects known from the project list,
 see `project-list-file'.
 It's also possible to enter an arbitrary directory not in the list."
   (let* ((dir-choice "... (choose a dir)")
+         project--name-history
           (let (ret)
-            (dolist (dir (project-known-project-roots))
+            ;; Iterate in reverse order so project--name-history is in
+            ;; the correct order.
+            (dolist (dir (reverse project--list))
               ;; we filter out directories that no longer map to a project,
               ;; since they don't have a clean project-name.
-              (if-let (proj (project--find-in-directory dir))
-                  (push (cons (project-name proj) proj) ret)))
+              (when-let (proj (project--find-in-directory dir))
+                (let ((name (project-name proj)))
+                  (push name project--name-history)
+                  (push (cons name proj) ret))))
          ;; XXX: Just using this for the category (for the substring
          ;; completion style).
          (table (project--file-completion-table
-                 (reverse (cons dir-choice choices))))
+                 (cons dir-choice choices)))
          (pr-name ""))
+    (setq project--name-history (delete-consecutive-dups 
     (while (equal pr-name "")
       ;; If the user simply pressed RET, do this again until they don't.
-      (setq pr-name (completing-read "Select project: " table nil t)))
+      (setq pr-name
+            (completing-read "Select project: " table nil t nil 
     (if (equal pr-name dir-choice)
         (read-directory-name "Select directory: " default-directory nil t)
-      (let ((proj (assoc pr-name choices)))
-        (if (stringp proj) proj (project-root (cdr proj)))))))
+      (let* ((proj (assoc pr-name choices))
+             (ret (project-root (cdr proj))))
+        ;; Record this return value in history, since
+        ;; project--name-history is purely local.
+        (push ret project--list)
+        ret))))
 (defun project-known-project-roots ()
   "Return the list of root directories of all known projects."
-  (project--ensure-read-project-list)
-  (mapcar #'car project--list))
+  project--list)
 (defun project-execute-extended-command ()
@@ -1865,14 +1820,13 @@ project-remember-projects-under
 the progress.  The function returns the number of detected
   (interactive "DDirectory: \nP")
-  (project--ensure-read-project-list)
   (let ((dirs (if recursive
                   (directory-files-recursively dir "" t)
                 (directory-files dir t)))
         (known (make-hash-table :size (* 2 (length project--list))
                                 :test #'equal))
         (count 0))
-    (dolist (project (mapcar #'car project--list))
+    (dolist (project project--list)
       (puthash project t known))
     (dolist (subdir dirs)
       (when-let (((file-directory-p subdir))
@@ -1885,7 +1839,6 @@ project-remember-projects-under
         (setq count (1+ count))))
     (if (zerop count)
         (message "No projects were found")
-      (project--write-project-list)
       (message "%d project%s were found"
                count (if (= count 1) "" "s")))
@@ -1916,7 +1869,6 @@ project-forget-projects-under
           (setq count (1+ count)))))
     (if (zerop count)
         (message "No projects were forgotten")
-      (project--write-project-list)
       (message "%d project%s were forgotten"
                count (if (= count 1) "" "s")))

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