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bug#67207: [PATCH] Add elixir-ts-mode-hook to elixir-ts-mode

From: Wilhelm Kirschbaum
Subject: bug#67207: [PATCH] Add elixir-ts-mode-hook to elixir-ts-mode
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2023 10:32:22 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.9.3; emacs 30.0.50

Stefan Monnier <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca> writes:

Stefan, does this mean define-derived-mode has some deficiency?
Many/most modes defined using it don't have an explicit hook
definition, so should we now define a mode hook for all of them?

Usually we don't have good ideas of `:options` to provide for hook
variables, so it's not very useful to expose them to Custom.

After I had a look how it works, it seems pretty convenient for users relying on customize menus and not knowing which hooks might be useful. There are some modes using this feature, but its not consistently used.

For the elixir-ts-mode users, it appears there are very few people not running either eglot or lsp-mode, so having eglot-ensure hook on the
menu makes sense to me.

Discovering features and minor modes in Emacs is not as intuitive to newcomers and some direction of which options are available might help a

Also, it's not rare for hook variables to be modified by other packages,
which again votes in favor of not exposing them to Custom.

But some mode maintainers do like to expose them to Custom for their
users' convenience.  Usually I look at it as a hint that there's
something missing elsewhere (for the patch at hand, maybe some kind of `global-eglot-mode` would be a better answer in the longer term).

Yes, agreed. If a user can toggle somewhere that they want to run a language server for this mode, or better a project then the need to have
the hook for eglot-ensure won't be needed anymore.

We could try and extend `define-derived-mode` to allow it to expose the hook to Custom, with `:options` and whatnot, but it doesn't seem worth the trouble since the maintainer can use a separate explicit `defcustom`
instead, as the OP's patch does.

Won't it make sense to define a hook to custom anyways, so that users get used to the idea of using the customize menus to add hooks? Instead
of only a handful of modes having it available?  Then it can be
additionally configured by the maintainer.

Only after using Emacs for 5+ years now I am only now discovering the convenience of the customize menu, probably getting too lazy to update


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