On Sat, Nov 18, 2023 at 3:36 AM Dmitry Gutov <dmitry@gutov.dev
<mailto:dmitry@gutov.dev>> wrote:
On 17/11/2023 21:50, Andrey Listopadov wrote:
> I've upgraded from elixir-mode to elixir-ts-mode and noticed that the
> latter uses faces rather inconsistently.
> For example, the =font-lock-keyword-face= is used for both
keywords and
> method calls, as well as for parentheses. The
> =font-lock-function-name-face= is used both for function definitions,
> parameter names, and calls. Some calls use the
> =font-lock-keyword-face=, for example the call to `raise'. The
> =font-lock-type-face= is used both for types and =:symbols=.
> All of that basically makes Elixir code mostly use 2 colors.
> Additionally, it makes impossible selectively disabling
highlighting, as
> disabling the function call highlighting will disable the function
> definition highlighitng an so on.
> I believe, Emacs 29 introduced a lot of faces for all kinds of
> situations possible in Tree-sitter generated AST, so perhaps the
fix is
> to use them more semantically, rather than for good looks.
Thanks for the report. Wilhelm, could you look into this? If you
have time.
Speaking of new faces, we added font-lock-function-call-face that
can be
used for function calls, while font-lock-function-name-face stays used
on definitions.
For parens, if one wanted to highlight them at all,
font-lock-bracket-face could be used. Though it's probably better to
leave them to the 4th feature level (see js-ts-mode as an example).
elixir-ts-mode currently defines 3 levels.
For levels, we've currently settled on the scheme that function calls
and property lookups go to the 4th level of highlighting, whereas the
default is 3. This is all tweakable by the individual user, but I think
it's better to stay consistent between the modes.
Finally, I see that font-lock-function-name-face ends up being used for
parameters (as Andrey mentioned) and local variables as well. That's
great; probably a query that ended up matching too widely. We prefer to
use font-lock-variable-name-face (for parameter declarations) or
font-lock-variable-use-face for such identifiers. Though it can be hard
to reliably distinguish them in a dynamic language, so as far as I'm
concerned, they could stay non-highlighted (the uses, that is; the
declarations are usually easy to find using queries).
Thanks for the detailed explanation. It's unfortunate timing, because I
published a rework of the faces on MELPA so long and a few people are
trying it out. It is a total rework using the faces a bit better. I can
submit the patch later today and start the conversation from there?