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bug#18132: Time for a smarter dired-guess-shell-alist-default? (dired-x.

From: Juri Linkov
Subject: bug#18132: Time for a smarter dired-guess-shell-alist-default? (dired-x.el)
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2023 19:49:44 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/30.0.50 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

> To add minimal complexity we could use as an example
> the recent design of context-menu-functions that is a hook.
> Then we could create a new customizable hook that can contain
> a list of functions that return the command candidates depending
> on the argument with file names.
> Then its possible options for such hook could include:
> - xdg-open-function
> - mailcap-function that adds mailcap candidates
> - dired-x-guess that adds existing dired-guess-shell-alist-default
> - Windows-specific candidates from w32-shell-execute
> - etc.

Here is the implementation:

diff --git a/lisp/simple.el b/lisp/simple.el
index 2e2d73e9bf4..25e0c1cca7f 100644
--- a/lisp/simple.el
+++ b/lisp/simple.el
@@ -4273,8 +4273,63 @@ shell-command-default-error-buffer
 is run interactively.  A value of nil means that output to stderr and
 stdout will be intermixed in the output stream.")
+(defcustom shell-command-guess-functions
+  '(shell-command-guess-mailcap
+    shell-command-guess-xdg
+    shell-command-guess-dired)
+  "List of functions that guess shell commands for files.
+Each function receives a list of commands and a list of file names
+and should return the same list of commands with changes
+such as added new commands."
+  :type '(repeat
+          (choice (function-item shell-command-guess-dired)
+                  (function-item shell-command-guess-xdg)
+                  (function-item shell-command-guess-mailcap)
+                  (function :tag "Custom function")))
+  :version "30.1")
+(defun shell-command-guess (files)
+  "Return a list of shell commands, appropriate for FILES."
+  (let ((commands nil))
+    (run-hook-wrapped 'shell-command-guess-functions
+                      (lambda (fun)
+                        (setq commands (funcall fun commands files))
+                        nil))
+    commands))
 (declare-function mailcap-file-default-commands "mailcap" (files))
+(defun shell-command-guess-mailcap (commands files)
+  (require 'mailcap)
+  (append (mailcap-file-default-commands files) commands))
 (declare-function dired-get-filename "dired" (&optional localp 
+(declare-function dired-guess-default "dired-aux" (files))
+(defun shell-command-guess-dired (commands files)
+  (require 'dired-aux)
+  (append (ensure-list (dired-guess-default files)) commands))
+(declare-function xdg-mime-apps "xdg" (mime))
+(declare-function xdg-desktop-read-file "xdg" (filename &optional group))
+(defun shell-command-guess-xdg (commands files)
+  (require 'xdg)
+  (let* ((xdg-mime (when (executable-find "xdg-mime")
+                     (string-trim-right
+                      (shell-command-to-string
+                       (concat "xdg-mime query filetype " (car files))))))
+         (xdg-mime-apps (unless (string-empty-p xdg-mime)
+                          (xdg-mime-apps xdg-mime)))
+         (xdg-commands
+          (mapcar (lambda (desktop)
+                    (setq desktop (xdg-desktop-read-file desktop))
+                    (propertize
+                     (replace-regexp-in-string
+                      " .*" "" (gethash "Exec" desktop))
+                     'name (gethash "Name" desktop)))
+                  xdg-mime-apps)))
+    (append xdg-commands commands)))
 (defun minibuffer-default-add-shell-commands ()
   "Return a list of all commands associated with the current file.
@@ -4284,8 +4339,7 @@ minibuffer-default-add-shell-commands
   (let* ((filename (if (listp minibuffer-default)
                       (car minibuffer-default)
-        (commands (and filename (require 'mailcap nil t)
-                       (mailcap-file-default-commands (list filename)))))
+        (commands (and filename (shell-command-guess (list filename)))))
     (setq commands (mapcar (lambda (command)
                             (concat command " " filename))
diff --git a/lisp/dired-aux.el b/lisp/dired-aux.el
index 02194e6ff45..ba6685af7f3 100644
--- a/lisp/dired-aux.el
+++ b/lisp/dired-aux.el
@@ -763,22 +763,6 @@ dired-trample-file-versions
 ;;; Shell commands
-(declare-function mailcap-file-default-commands "mailcap" (files))
-(defvar dired-aux-files)
-(defun dired-minibuffer-default-add-shell-commands ()
-  "Return a list of all commands associated with current Dired files.
-This function is used to add all related commands retrieved by `mailcap'
-to the end of the list of defaults just after the default value."
-  (interactive)
-  (let ((commands (and (boundp 'dired-aux-files)
-                      (require 'mailcap nil t)
-                      (mailcap-file-default-commands dired-aux-files))))
-    (if (listp minibuffer-default)
-       (append minibuffer-default commands)
-      (cons minibuffer-default commands))))
 ;; This is an extra function so that you can redefine it, e.g., to use gmhist.
 (defun dired-read-shell-command (prompt arg files)
   "Read a Dired shell command.
@@ -789,14 +773,9 @@ dired-read-shell-command
 Use `dired-guess-shell-command' to offer a smarter default choice
 of shell command."
-  (minibuffer-with-setup-hook
-      (lambda ()
-       (setq-local dired-aux-files files)
-       (setq-local minibuffer-default-add-function
-                    #'dired-minibuffer-default-add-shell-commands))
-    (setq prompt (format prompt (dired-mark-prompt arg files)))
-    (dired-mark-pop-up nil 'shell files
-                       'dired-guess-shell-command prompt files)))
+  (setq prompt (format prompt (dired-mark-prompt arg files)))
+  (dired-mark-pop-up nil 'shell files
+                     'dired-guess-shell-command prompt files))
 (defcustom dired-confirm-shell-command t
@@ -1316,7 +1295,7 @@ dired-guess-default
 (defun dired-guess-shell-command (prompt files)
   "Ask user with PROMPT for a shell command, guessing a default from FILES."
-  (let ((default (dired-guess-default files))
+  (let ((default (shell-command-guess files))
         default-list val)
     (if (null default)
         ;; Nothing to guess
@@ -3856,9 +3835,6 @@ dired-vc-deduce-fileset
         (setq model (vc-checkout-model backend only-files-list))))
     (list backend files only-files-list state model)))
-(define-obsolete-function-alias 'minibuffer-default-add-dired-shell-commands
-  #'dired-minibuffer-default-add-shell-commands "29.1")
 (provide 'dired-aux)

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