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bug#67005: 30.0.50; improve nadivce/comp/trampoline handling

From: Andrea Corallo
Subject: bug#67005: 30.0.50; improve nadivce/comp/trampoline handling
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2023 15:26:52 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Stefan Monnier <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca> writes:

>>>> BTW, why is it a `defcustom` rather than a `defvar`?
>>>> Do we really expect "normal users" to change it?
>>> Yes, we do.  I think they actually did already, maybe Andrea remembers
>>> which functions and why.
>> I remember as well they did it, but can't remember precisely the reason.
>> Actually I suspect it might have been before we had the trampoline
>> system up and running.  ATM I can't picture any reason why a user would
>> like to use this customize other than improving a specific backtrack or
>> preventing a certain trampoline to be created, but indeed I might miss
>> something.
> Part of the question is also: would those users benefit from using
> Custom to set this var, instead of using a plain `add-to-list` or
> `setq`?

I fear I dont' have an answer to this.  Another question would be what's
the downside of keep on having it as custom variable?



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