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bug#67249: 30.0.50; `same-frame` equivalent for `display-buffer-alist`

From: martin rudalics
Subject: bug#67249: 30.0.50; `same-frame` equivalent for `display-buffer-alist`
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2023 10:00:20 +0100

>> Do you mean 'display-buffer-override-next-command' and
>> 'display-buffer-record-window'?
> I mostly noticed `display-buffer-other-frame` whose name (to me)
> suggests it can be used in an ACTION.  The two you cite could be
> considered as colliding, but since their name doesn't suggest they're
> going to "display a buffer", they didn't bother me.
> Hmm... after looking a bit more maybe it's not that bad, since the
> calling convention can be used to distinguish them
> (e.g. `display-buffer-other-frame` doesn't take an ALIST after the

'display-buffer-other-frame' was in files.el so C-x 5 C-o could be bound
to it - mainly as counterpart to C-x 4 C-o, I suppose.  It would be more
consistent to have two functions say 'show-buffer-other-window' and
'show-buffer-other-frame' we could bind to C-x 4 C-b and C-x 5 C-b and
assign them appropriate action functions but I'm not sure whether people
would like it.


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