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bug#67036: 30.0.50; treesit-forward-sexp not working properly in ruby-ts

From: Juri Linkov
Subject: bug#67036: 30.0.50; treesit-forward-sexp not working properly in ruby-ts-mode
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2023 19:06:05 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/30.0.50 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

>>>   +  # from "elsif" and "then" C-M-f should jump to next "elsif"/"else"
>>>     if a == 2 then
>>>       puts "hello"
>>>     elsif a == 3
> Try out the change referenced above, but it doesn't do exactly
> this. Because the tree-sitter parse tree doesn't match the intuition you
> described above.

Thanks for adding "then" and "else" that works not bad.
Then "elsif" could be added as well.

>>> +# when point is after @, C-M-f should jump to the end of symbol
>>>   zzz @abc,
>>>       4
> This is something that would need to be changed somewhere inside
> treesit-forward-sexp (or treesit--navigate-thing). The default forward-sexp
> behaves differently when in the middle of a symbol.

Agreed, more general changes are needed when point is inside symbols,
strings, comments, etc.

> Also, interactive forward-sexp never reports "No next sexp" when inside
> parens or begin...end. It will do forward-up-list instead.

On the one hand, it's inconsistent with the default non-treesit behavior of
forward-sexp.  On the other hand, the default behavior is too annoying
when it screams all the time with "Containing expression ends prematurely!"
instead of doing something useful.

>>>     def foo
>>> -    self.end
>>> +    self.end # when point between 'e' and 'n', C-M-b should jump to "self"
> Same as above, although the point will jump to before "end" (after the
> period). And the next C-M-b will jump to before "self".

This looks right.

>>> +  class << self
>>> +    def bar
>>> +    end
>>> +  end
>>> +  # C-M-b at the end of "end" should jump to "class"
>>> +
> Now fixed.

Thanks, confirmed.

>>>     def begin
>>>     end
>>>   end
>>> @@ -522,6 +530,9 @@ def qux
>>>     puts "Japanese translation: #{orig_text} => #{trans_text}"
>>>   end
>>>   +# C-M-f on '[' doesn't jump to after ']'
>>> +hash['key']
>>> +
> As discussed previously, there is no specific node which spans from [ to
> ]. Some custom code could probably be written (there *are* leaf nodes for [
> and ]), but the current capabilities of treesit-thing-settings don't offer
> a good way to plug that in.

Like for point inside strings, this might require more general changes
that take into account syntax tables.

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