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bug#66938: 30.0.50; Commit 6c47931a1ad4de ("Make EIEIO ':accessor' behav
From: |
Arsen Arsenović |
Subject: |
bug#66938: 30.0.50; Commit 6c47931a1ad4de ("Make EIEIO ':accessor' behave like ':reader' when reading (bug#66938)") breaks Eglot |
Date: |
Wed, 29 Nov 2023 03:01:00 +0100 |
The commit referenced above seems to break Eglot. It generates the
following stack trace:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (unbound-slot eglot-lsp-server
"#<eglot-lsp-server eglot-lsp-server-156c8b8af842>" -events-buffer oref)
signal(unbound-slot (eglot-lsp-server "#<eglot-lsp-server
eglot-lsp-server-156c8b8af842>" -events-buffer oref))
... ; Removing extremely long frames
eieio-barf-if-slot-unbound(eieio--unbound #<eglot-lsp-server
eglot-lsp-server-156c8b8af842> -events-buffer oref)
slot-value(#<eglot-lsp-server eglot-lsp-server-156c8b8af842> -events-buffer)
#f(compiled-function (this) "Retrieve the slot `-events-buffer' from an
object of class\n`jsonrpc-connection'." #<bytecode
-0x1b11cbbb3991ccc5>)(#<eglot-lsp-server eglot-lsp-server-156c8b8af842>)
apply(#f(compiled-function (this) "Retrieve the slot `-events-buffer' from an
object of class\n`jsonrpc-connection'." #<bytecode -0x1b11cbbb3991ccc5>)
#<eglot-lsp-server eglot-lsp-server-156c8b8af842> nil)
jsonrpc--events-buffer(#<eglot-lsp-server eglot-lsp-server-156c8b8af842>)
jsonrpc-events-buffer(#<eglot-lsp-server eglot-lsp-server-156c8b8af842>)
jsonrpc--log-event(#<eglot-lsp-server eglot-lsp-server-156c8b8af842>
(:message "Running language server: /usr/lib/llvm/17/bin/clangd"))
jsonrpc--debug(#<eglot-lsp-server eglot-lsp-server-156c8b8af842> "Running
language server: %s" "/usr/lib/llvm/17/bin/clangd")
eglot--connect((c-mode c-ts-mode c++-mode c++-ts-mode objc-mode) (transient .
"/tmp/") eglot-lsp-server ("/usr/lib/llvm/17/bin/clangd") ("c" "c" "c++" "c++"
eglot((c-mode c-ts-mode c++-mode c++-ts-mode objc-mode) (transient . "/tmp/")
eglot-lsp-server ("/usr/lib/llvm/17/bin/clangd") ("c" "c" "c++" "c++" "objc") t)
funcall-interactively(eglot (c-mode c-ts-mode c++-mode c++-ts-mode objc-mode)
(transient . "/tmp/") eglot-lsp-server ("/usr/lib/llvm/17/bin/clangd") ("c" "c"
"c++" "c++" "objc") t)
command-execute(eglot record)
execute-extended-command(nil "eglot" "eglot")
funcall-interactively(execute-extended-command nil "eglot" "eglot")
Reproduction steps:
- emacs -q
- C-x C-f foo.c RET
- M-x eglot RET
Apologies for my brevity and lack of analysis and/or a patch - it is
getting late.
Have a lovely night.
(note that the info below does not come from the emacs -q session I was
testing this in, but I can also reproduce this issue in this session)
In GNU Emacs 30.0.50 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version
3.24.38, cairo version 1.18.0) of 2023-11-28 built on localhost
Repository revision: 7a5c91a2831602c3cd961158cf0b6a876852d7ac
Repository branch: master
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romanian slovak czech european ethiopic indian cyrillic chinese
composite emoji-zwj charscript charprop case-table epa-hook
jka-cmpr-hook help abbrev obarray oclosure cl-preloaded button loaddefs
theme-loaddefs faces cus-face macroexp files window text-properties
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hashtable-print-readable backquote threads xwidget-internal dbusbind
inotify dynamic-setting font-render-setting cairo gtk pgtk lcms2
multi-tty move-toolbar make-network-process native-compile emacs)
Memory information:
((conses 16 1820713 3119067) (symbols 48 62485 159) (strings 32 319528 93051)
(string-bytes 1 11499903) (vectors 16 193722) (vector-slots 8 3684047 2741445)
(floats 8 936 13963) (intervals 56 100361 18396) (buffers 992 330))
Arsen Arsenović
Description: PGP signature
- bug#66938: 30.0.50 [PATCH]: Make EIEIO :accessor behave like :reader when reading a slot's value, (continued)
- bug#66938: 30.0.50 [PATCH]: Make EIEIO :accessor behave like :reader when reading a slot's value, Stefan Monnier, 2023/11/25
- bug#66938: 30.0.50 [PATCH]: Make EIEIO :accessor behave like :reader when reading a slot's value, Brandon Irizarry, 2023/11/25
- bug#66938: 30.0.50 [PATCH]: Make EIEIO :accessor behave like :reader when reading a slot's value, Stefan Monnier, 2023/11/26
- bug#66938: 30.0.50 [PATCH]: Make EIEIO :accessor behave like :reader when reading a slot's value, João Távora, 2023/11/28
- bug#66938: 30.0.50 [PATCH]: Make EIEIO :accessor behave like :reader when reading a slot's value, Stefan Monnier, 2023/11/29
- bug#66938: 30.0.50 [PATCH]: Make EIEIO :accessor behave like :reader when reading a slot's value, João Távora, 2023/11/29
- bug#66938: 30.0.50 [PATCH]: Make EIEIO :accessor behave like :reader when reading a slot's value, Stefan Monnier, 2023/11/29
- bug#66938: 30.0.50 [PATCH]: Make EIEIO :accessor behave like :reader when reading a slot's value, João Távora, 2023/11/29
- bug#66938: 30.0.50 [PATCH]: Make EIEIO :accessor behave like :reader when reading a slot's value, Stefan Monnier, 2023/11/29
bug#66938: 30.0.50; Commit 6c47931a1ad4de ("Make EIEIO ':accessor' behave like ':reader' when reading (bug#66938)") breaks Eglot,
Arsen Arsenović <=