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bug#67449: Manual: add how to change default global font size in .emacs

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: bug#67449: Manual: add how to change default global font size in .emacs
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 14:47:16 +0200

> From: Dan Jacobson <jidanni@jidanni.org>
> Cc: 67449@debbugs.gnu.org
> Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 11:10:09 +0800
> In (info "(emacs) Fonts")
> > File: emacs.info,  Node: Fonts,  Next: Speedbar,  Prev: Frame Commands,  
> > Up: Frames
> > 
> > 22.8 Fonts
> > ==========
> > 
> > By default, Emacs displays text on graphical displays using a 10-point
> 10 point. Let's say we want it to use 14 point default.
> > monospace font,
> We don't care about monospace or not. We just want to make 10 into 14.

Monospace is the default, so it doesn't matter whether "we" care or

> > and the font size can be changed interactively (*note
> > Text Scale::).
> We don't want to change it interactively. We just want to put a line in
> our .emacs file to change it.
> >    There are several different ways to specify a different font:
> We don't want to specify a different font. We don't care about the font.
> We just want to make it use a different size as default.

So just specify the same font with the different size.  Case closed.

> >    • Add a line to your init file, modifying the variable
> >      ‘default-frame-alist’ to specify the ‘font’ parameter (*note Frame
> >      Parameters::), like this:
> > 
> >           (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist
> >                        '(font . "DejaVu Sans Mono-10"))
> Yes we want to add a line to our .emacs file. But we don't want to have
> to say some font name. We just want to tell emacs to use "default size
> 14, not 10".

So just specify the same font with the different size.  Case closed.

> >      This makes the font the default on all graphical frames created
> >      after restarting Emacs with that init file.
> > 
> >    • Add an ‘emacs.font’ X resource setting to your X resource file,
> >      like this:
> > 
> >           emacs.font: DejaVu Sans Mono-12
> Again we are forced to name a font. We don't want to name a font. We
> just want to tell emacs to do what it does, but at scale 14 not 10.

So just specify the same font with the different size.  Case closed.

> Anyway maybe there is a glimmer of hope with some line like
> -*-*-*-14-*-*-*- or something, but it so frustrating.

A two-liner in the init file or a X resource setting cannot be
anywhere near frustrating.

> Whereas in other apps one can just choose a default font size, in
> emacs ... well you have to go down to the car dealership and learn
> about muffler types. You can't just tell the rental agency to
> deliver an economy sized car.

Or you can do the above, which is easy and a no-brainer, really.  Case
closed.  And this bug is also closed.  Please accept the decision and
stop pushing.

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