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bug#67158: [PATCH] Repair tab-always-indent

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: bug#67158: [PATCH] Repair tab-always-indent
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 16:25:51 +0200

> Cc: 67158@debbugs.gnu.org
> Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2023 08:56:04 -0500
> From:  Stefan Monnier via "Bug reports for GNU Emacs,
>  the Swiss army knife of text editors" <bug-gnu-emacs@gnu.org>
> > - In commit c20226a1ef5, you used memql to compare syn to '(2 4   5), and
> >   memq to compare syn to '(2 4 5 1). I'd say both are   equivalent in this
> >   case, so why having used each of them once   rather than the same twice ?
> Oops, not sure how that happened.  They should both use the same (tho
> either `memq` or `memql` does the trick).

I fixed that on master.

> > - Any chance this commit gets cherry-picked for the 29.2 bugfix release ?
> I'll let Eli or Stefan make the decision.

I've cherry-picked it.

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