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[Bug-gnubg] Compiling on Cygwin for GUI, works with small patch

From: macherius
Subject: [Bug-gnubg] Compiling on Cygwin for GUI, works with small patch
Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2005 21:29:18 +0100

I've just compiled gnubg (gui) on cygwin. It requires a small patch I've
attached. The binary is not a very stable, it seems to have some problem
detaching from the console and to hang "in between" real GUI mode and
console mode. For my purposes that's OK, maybe someone else has the nerve to
look into it deeper.

HOWTO is simpe:
0) Prepare Cygwin
My version is:
CYGWIN_NT-5.1 RAKETE 1.5.12(0.116/4/2) 2004-11-10 08:34 i686 unknown unknown

Also note that a lot of "*-devel" packages are required to be installed
which are NOT default. If anything is missing, use setup.exe to install it.
Repeat until gcc is happy.

1) Issue "autoreconf" in bash to update automake (gnubg uses an ancient
version by default)
2) Configure like this

./configure                             \
        --disable-gtktest               \
        --disable-glibtest              \
        --enable-gtkextratest           \
        --disable-libarttest            \
        --enable-bearoff=external       \
        --enable-freetypetest           \
        --enable-gtkglext-test          \
        --disable-esdtest               \
        --enable-artsc-test             \
        --disable-audiofiletest         \
        --disable-nas                   \
        --enable-nls                    \
        --with-readline         \
        --with-gdbm                     \
        --with-gtk                      \
        --with-gtk2                     \
        --without-gtkextra              \
        --without-guile                 \
        --without-python                \
        --with-board3d          \
        --with-sound                    \
        --without-timecontrol           \
        --without-included-gettext      \

Not sure for the "with-x", works with and without
For a "no-gui" version, leave out the GTK flags. I Have trouble linking
python, maybe a cygwin problem. The other libs do not ship with default
Cygwin, you need to compile yourself or find a third party bainary.

3) Run make
4) Start cygwin's X
5) Enjoy (and stay away from the new file dialogs, they still crash ;)

So I've now got a gcc/Xwin/GTK2.4.8 based platform to verify changes that
worked on Windows GTK 2.6.2, very nice. The first problem immediately
showed: The new file dialogs do not work with GTK 2.4.8 / cygwin. Hmmmm.


Attachment: cygwin.patch
Description: Binary data

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