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Re: License of c99 and std-gnu11 modules

From: Bruno Haible
Subject: Re: License of c99 and std-gnu11 modules
Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2017 20:35:12 +0200
User-agent: KMail/5.1.3 (Linux/4.4.0-83-generic; KDE/5.18.0; x86_64; ; )

Hi Reuben, all,

Reuben Thomas wrote:
> Would it be possible to relax the licenses on these modules so they can be
> used with the --lgpl option to gnulib-tool? "GPLed build tool" would seem
> appropriate.

Per https://www.gnu.org/software/gnulib/manual/html_node/Copyright.html,
when a modules has no dependencies and consists only of m4/*.m4 files,
the 'License' field in the module description is semantically a no-op.

However, for gnulib-tool it makes a difference: If the license is
'GPLed build tool' or 'public domain' or 'unlimited' or
'unmodifiable license text' or 'LGPLv2+', any project that passes
--lgpl=2 can use it, whereas if it's 'LGPL' or 'GPL', gnulib-tool
gives an 'incompatible license on modules' error.

The following modules are in this category: they have no dependencies,
consist only of m4/*.m4 files, and have a license that is not
'GPLed build tool' or 'unlimited'.

   Module                 Current license

absolute-header           LGPLv2+
ansi-c++-opt              LGPLv2+
assert                    GPL
builtin-expect            LGPLv2+
config-h                  LGPL
configmake                LGPLv2+
d-ino                     GPL
d-type                    LGPLv2+
double-slash-root         LGPLv2+
extensions                LGPLv2+
fpieee                    LGPLv2+
host-os                   GPL
largefile                 LGPLv2+
link-follow               GPL
longlong                  GPL
no-c++                    LGPL
openmp                    LGPL
perl                      GPL
printf-safe               LGPLv2+
rmdir-errno               GPL
socketlib                 LGPLv2+
std-gnu11                 GPL
unlink-busy               GPL
uptime                    GPL
va-args                   LGPL
vararrays                 LGPL
winsz-termios             GPL
year2038                  LGPLv2+

'std-gnu11' (and 'c99' with it) could IMO really be 'LGPLv2+' or
'unlimited' - like inline, extern-inline, warnings, extensions.

'd-ino', 'host-os', 'longlong' could IMO be switched to 'LGPL', since
they are surely useful in libraries.



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