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bug in NSUser.m:NSHomeDirectoryForUser() on mingw32

From: Michael Scheibler
Subject: bug in NSUser.m:NSHomeDirectoryForUser() on mingw32
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 14:52:25 +0100

HOMEPATH only delivers path without drive. The correct "path" is HOMEDRIVE +

  /* Then environment variable HOMEPATH holds the home directory
     for the user on Windows NT; Win95 has no concept of home. */
  char buf[1024], *nb;
  DWORD n;
  NSString *s;

  [gnustep_global_lock lock];
  n = GetEnvironmentVariable("HOMEPATH", buf, 1024);
  if (n > 1024)
      /* Buffer not big enough, so dynamically allocate it */
      nb = (char *)NSZoneMalloc(NSDefaultMallocZone(), sizeof(char)*(n+1));
      n = GetEnvironmentVariable("HOMEPATH", nb, n+1);
      nb[n] = '\0';
      s = [NSString stringWithCString: nb];
      NSZoneFree(NSDefaultMallocZone(), nb);
  else if (n > 0)
      /* null terminate it and return the string */
      buf[n] = '\0';
      s = [NSString stringWithCString: buf];
    s = nil;

  /* BUGFIX begins here (suggestion): */
  if (s)
      n = GetEnvironmentVariable("HOMEDRIVE", buf, 1024);
      buf[n] = '\0';
      s = [[NSString stringWithCString: buf] stringByAppendingString: s];
  /* BUGFIX end */

  [gnustep_global_lock unlock];
  return s;

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