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Patches to dev-libs/db

From: Kim Shrier
Subject: Patches to dev-libs/db
Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 13:33:18 -0500

I have been compiling the dev-libs/db library and ran into a few
problems.  These patches are what I did to get the libraries to
compile cleanly, I haven't tried running the code yet but I thought
I would send these patches in since I woun't have time to test for
a few days

dev-libs-patch1 - this removes the Tools label from the SUBPROJECTS
                  macro in db/GNUmakefile.  The Tools directory doesn't
                  have a makefile in it so I figure that it is either
                  incomplete or something is missing from the directory.

dev-libs-patch2 - this adds -L/usr/local/lib/mysql to the
                  macro in db/eoadaptors/MySQL/Makefile.preamble.
                  I was wondering if it would be better to fix the
                  configure script to locate the mysql client library
                  and update Makefile.preamble.

dev-libs-patch3 - this adds an include for NSCalendarDate to 
                  db/eoadaptors/MySQL/MySQLValues.h.  The adaptor
                  won't compile without this.

dev-libs-patch4 - this adds -I/usr/local/pgsql/include to the
                  ADDITIONAL_INCLUDE_DIRS  macro in
                  db/eoadaptors/Postgres95/Makefile.preamble. It also
                  adds -L/usr/local/pgsql/lib to the ADDITIONAL_LIB_DIRS
                  macro.  I was wondering if it would be better to fix
                  the configure script to locate the pgsql client library
                  and update Makefile.preamble.

dev-libs-patch5 - this adds an include for NSCalendarDate to 
                  db/eoadaptors/Postgres95/Postgres95Values.h.  The adaptor
                  won't compile without this.

dev-libs-patch6 - this adds an include for NSCalendarDate to 
                  db/eoadaptors/Sybase/SybaseValues.h.  I haven't compiled
                  this adaptor, but I would think that this include would
                  be necessary.

dev-libs-patch7 - this adds an include for NSCalendarDate to 
                  db/eoadaptors/SQLServer/SQLServerValues.h.  I haven't compiled
                  this adaptor, but I would think that this include would
                  be necessary.

dev-libs-patch8 - this adds an include for NSCalendarDate to 
                  db/eoadaptors/Oracle7/Oracle7Buffer.h.  I haven't compiled
                  this adaptor, but I would think that this include would
                  be necessary.

Let me know if you have any questions.

 Kim Shrier - principal, Shrier and Deihl - mailto:kim@tinker.com
Remote Unix Network Admin, Security, Internet Software Development
  Tinker Internet Services - Superior FreeBSD-based Web Hosting
--- dev-libs/db/GNUmakefile.orig        Sun Aug 27 11:58:02 2000
+++ dev-libs/db/GNUmakefile     Fri May  4 17:56:57 2001
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 # The list of subproject directories
-SUBPROJECTS = eoaccess eointerface eoadaptors Tools tests
+SUBPROJECTS = eoaccess eointerface eoadaptors tests
 -include Makefile.preamble
--- dev-libs/db/eoadaptors/MySQL/Makefile.preamble.orig Wed Sep 13 12:41:02 2000
+++ dev-libs/db/eoadaptors/MySQL/Makefile.preamble      Fri May  4 17:47:13 2001
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 # Additional library directories the linker should search
-ADDITIONAL_LIB_DIRS = -L/usr/lib/mysql
+ADDITIONAL_LIB_DIRS = -L/usr/lib/mysql -L/usr/local/lib/mysql
 # Flags dealing with installing and uninstalling
--- dev-libs/db/eoadaptors/MySQL/MySQLValues.h.orig     Wed Sep 13 12:41:02 2000
+++ dev-libs/db/eoadaptors/MySQL/MySQLValues.h  Fri May  4 17:44:29 2001
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 #include <Foundation/NSValue.h>
 #include <Foundation/NSData.h>
 #include <Foundation/NSDate.h>
+#include <Foundation/NSCalendarDate.h>
 #include <eoaccess/EONull.h>
 @class EOAttribute;
--- dev-libs/db/eoadaptors/Postgres95/Makefile.preamble.orig    Thu Nov 19 
07:58:30 1998
+++ dev-libs/db/eoadaptors/Postgres95/Makefile.preamble Fri May  4 17:32:42 2001
@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@
 # Additional include directories the compiler should search
+ADDITIONAL_INCLUDE_DIRS = -I../.. -I/usr/local/pgsql/include
 # Additional LDFLAGS to pass to the linker
 # Additional library directories the linker should search
+ADDITIONAL_LIB_DIRS = -L/usr/local/pgsql/lib
 # Flags dealing with installing and uninstalling
--- dev-libs/db/eoadaptors/Postgres95/Postgres95Values.h.orig   Thu May 13 
09:02:07 1999
+++ dev-libs/db/eoadaptors/Postgres95/Postgres95Values.h        Fri May  4 
17:37:38 2001
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 #include <Foundation/NSValue.h>
 #include <Foundation/NSData.h>
 #include <Foundation/NSDate.h>
+#include <Foundation/NSCalendarDate.h>
 #include <eoaccess/EONull.h>
 @class EOAttribute;
--- dev-libs/db/eoadaptors/Sybase/SybaseValues.h.orig   Fri Nov 22 14:36:18 1996
+++ dev-libs/db/eoadaptors/Sybase/SybaseValues.h        Thu May 10 13:13:28 2001
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 #include <Foundation/NSValue.h>
 #include <Foundation/NSData.h>
 #include <Foundation/NSDate.h>
+#include <Foundation/NSCalendarDate.h>
 #include <eoaccess/EONull.h>
 @class EOAttribute;
--- dev-libs/db/eoadaptors/SQLServer/SQLServerValues.h.orig     Fri Nov 22 
17:44:50 1996
+++ dev-libs/db/eoadaptors/SQLServer/SQLServerValues.h  Thu May 10 13:16:49 2001
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 #include <Foundation/NSValue.h>
 #include <Foundation/NSData.h>
 #include <Foundation/NSDate.h>
+#include <Foundation/NSCalendarDate.h>
 #include <eoaccess/EONull.h>
 @class EOAttribute;
--- dev-libs/db/eoadaptors/Oracle7/Oracle7Buffer.h.orig Tue Feb 22 10:27:13 2000
+++ dev-libs/db/eoadaptors/Oracle7/Oracle7Buffer.h      Thu May 10 13:16:13 2001
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
 #ifndef __Oracle7Buffer_h__
 #define __Oracle7Buffer_h__
+#include <Foundation/NSCalendarDate.h>
 #include <eoaccess/eoaccess.h>
 #include <oci.h>

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