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NSSplitView+Autosave extension

From: Marko Mikulicic
Subject: NSSplitView+Autosave extension
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 14:04:02 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.3) Gecko/20010801


If someone is interested here is attached a category of NSSplitView wich
implements autosaving of the divider position in the user defaults.

This implementation doesn't require any instance variables.

I don't have many extension to build my own "kit". If someone finds it
useful please archive it somewhere.


PS: I added a -copyWithZone: (NSZone *)z { return RETAIN(self); } to
NSSplitView methods because mutable dictionary sends it to a key.
Is it terribly wrong ?

Attachment: NSSplitView-Autosave.-1.gz
Description: Binary data

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