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Re: NSTextView bug?

From: Nicola Pero
Subject: Re: NSTextView bug?
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 04:21:42 +0100 (BST)

> If imports_graphics == YES, it means that the text view *accept* dragged
> files. I don't think this is related to NSTextAttachements (the API is not
> clear on that).

> I think somebody should verify this on OPENSTEP or under MacOS-X.

I was waiting for some useful comments from some openstep/macosx user ...
but since nobody is reporting on what happens on other openstep systems,
we'll have to guess - I think you are right - a NSText which is a rich
text can contain images, and setImportsGraphics: does not releate to the
fact that it contains images or not (that is defined by being a rich text
or not) but to the fact that you can drag new images/files into it by

Extending this, I think that setImportsGraphics: does not cover whether
the text contains attachments or not (and that you can click on them), but
only whether you can drag new graphics into it.

A long comment to say - thanks, I applied your patch. :)

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