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Serious drawing/flushing bug?

From: Ludovic Marcotte
Subject: Serious drawing/flushing bug?
Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2001 10:53:08 -0500 (EST)


In the past days, I've finalized my patch for the blinking cursor/caret
support into NSTextView. It now works perfectly. However, I think there's
a serious drawing (or flushing) bug in GNUstep gui (or xgps).

For example, when calling, NSView: -setNeedsDisplayInRect, subviews don't
always receive the drawRect message when they *should* be receiving it.

If you move the mouse constantly, they always receive it.

I've created a simple program that shows the bug. It's a simple class that
extends NSView and draw a blinking rectangle every second. When you run
it, move the mouse in the window and you'll see that the drawing events
aren't propagated as they should be.

I can also provide my blinking cursor/caret patch for NSTextView that
shows the problem too.

I'll try to fix the bug into GNUstep gui (or xgps) but any hints or help
would be appreciated.


Live as if you were to die tomorrow.
Learn as if you were to live forever.
 - Gandhi

Attachment: Blink.tar.gz
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