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Re: Misc. bugs in GSXML, NSTextView, XIM, SSL

From: Nicola Pero
Subject: Re: Misc. bugs in GSXML, NSTextView, XIM, SSL
Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 12:24:26 +0100 (BST)

On Sat, 4 May 2002, Alexander Malmberg wrote:

> Releasing an NSTextView will still sometimes cause a crash. It seems
> that something in the text network is being retained by an
> autoreleasepool (not sure why), but [NSTextView -dealloc] expects to be
> released during the RELEASE(_textStorage). I've attached a patch that
> causes it to just return from first -dealloc and do the real deallocing
> when it's released again.

Thanks - applied

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