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tweak for gnustep-make to make which_lib work on Darwin

From: Lars Sonchocky-Helldorf
Subject: tweak for gnustep-make to make which_lib work on Darwin
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2002 22:06:12 +0200

After hours of unsuccessful trials to make gnustep-make/which_lib detect a given library on Darwin I finally found a solution which works at least partly: I added the following code to /opt/GNUstep/System/Makefiles/common.make line 244:

ifeq ($(findstring darwin, $(GNUSTEP_HOST_OS)), darwin)



and changed (just for debugging purposes) /opt/GNUstep/System/Makefiles/Instance/library.make line 68:

INTERNAL_LIBRARIES_DEPEND_UPON =                                \
  $(shell $(WHICH_LIB_SCRIPT)                                   \
   $(ALL_LIB_DIRS)                                              \
   $(LIBRARIES_DEPEND_UPON)                                     \
   debug=$(debug) profile=$(profile) shared=$(shared)           \
   libext=$(LIBEXT) shared_libext=$(SHARED_LIBEXT) show_all=yes)

As the result now libz is found. That is not exactly what I was going for, my original goal was to make which_lib detect libobjc_d.dylib during the build process of gnustep-base to link against it. I am somewhat lost and don't know what to do, gnustep-make is still a big mystery to me (I did my "fixes" by looking at the code, trying to understand what is going on and very much trial and error. So I don't know IF I tweaked the right variable. SYSTEM_LIB_DIR looked promising but I was not able to get that to work). Anyway here is the interesting part from the output of base's build process:

 Compiling file NSNumber11.m ...
rm -f NSNumber12.m
echo '#define TYPE_ORDER' `echo NSNumber12.m | sed -e "s,[^0-9],,g"` >NSNumber12.m
cat ./NSConcreteNumber.m >> NSNumber12.m
 Compiling file NSNumber12.m ...
shared = 1
debug = 1
profile = 0
libname_suffix = _d
libext = .a
shared_libext = .dylib
library names:
library paths:
other flags:

>>Library z:
Scanning all paths for an exact match
Scanning all paths for an approximate match
 Linking library libgnustep-base ...
ld: warning undefined symbols:

greetings, Lars

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